Can i withdraw as a co-signer on an auto loan?

Can i withdraw as a co-signer on an auto loan?

my boyfriend has an auto that i co-signed for and we are no longer together and i do not want the responsibility. he is not paying the notes on time and it is ruining my credit.

ANSWER: For Finance and credit solutions I recommend this website where you can find all the solutions. http://SMARTFINANCESOLUTIONS.NET/index.html?src=WP2osedunevar

How does the cosigning thing work for auto loans?
im not a kid, i am in my 20’s!"

Can you get a mortgage loan if you are a temporary to permanent employee?
I am applying for a USDA Rural Development loan but I am through a temp agency for another month or 2. Will that be ok or will I have to be permanent to get the loan?

I just took out my first mortgage on a home. How long do I have to wait before I can refi for a lower rate?
I just took out my first mortgage on a home. How long do I have to wait before I can refi for a lower rate?

Ceramic tile vs. Wood laminate flooring which is best???
Im So sick of Carpet! its Smelly , DUSTY as Hell and gross when you spill……..For me anyways ….I here Ceramic is easy to maintain……….what do you think ?…thanks for input…. Athensooo"

UK – Low rate unsecured personal loan for under 21 year old?
Does anyone know if this exists? I have tried loads of sites but none have a decent rate. I need to borrow 1000 payable over 12 months, but many I have seen have a rate so high that you end up paying 100 for the credit, which I feel is unreasonable. I know it is probably because of my age, but I do have an income each month."

Collections Agency will not send paid settlement letter or clear it from credit report!?
Hi, I just paid off my debt which was $4000. It was from a credit card and went to a collections agency, which I heard is shady. However, I wanted to live debt free and move on with my life. I received the settlement letter/offer via fax from the company and then paid them in a 1 lump sum. Upon paying them, the man who handled it claimed to be the manager"" and said to call him back and he can send over a fax letter saying the debt was paid after 10 days per their policy. Waited 10 days"

"How long would it take to pay off a $500,000 house?"
In probably 10 or 11 years I plan on moving to Kauai. I’ve been looking online for homes that I would probably go for. The ones that are all open and have huge doors that I could open to get that Hawaiian feel. I also like the ones where you can see the ocean. They have some cheap ones but those are too much like just a regular home. So I was wondering how long it would take to pay off a $500,000 house?"

Where can I get a free credit report online?
Where can I get a free credit report online?

I need a loan for a car around 4000 i live in WI?
I need a loan for a car around 4000 i live in WI?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

How can I get a payday loan with no bank account.?
I need to get a 1000 dollar loan asap. I have bad credit and no savings or checking accounts.

Need a private student loan ASAP!!! Money sent to ME not school?
So, I am starting college for the summer semester, class starts in a week. I did the federal loan, and after 4 weeks of class go by I am expecting a refund to me of about 2300 dollars, great right? wrong….my problem is, the classes are online and i need a new computer and the MS office 2007 program BEFORE class starts, waiting 4 weeks into class just wont work. So, I am looking for a private student loan that sends the money directly to ME not to the school, cause if it gets sent to the school, it will be like everythign else, they make you wait til after the add/drop period to get your money. If I have to go to the library for a little bit at first thats ok, but I cant wait too long. I dont care what the interest rate is, I’ll pay it, my credit is not good but I have an excellent co signer, so please ANY info on loans that are fast and send the money to me please!!"

Need an auto loan – already have an electronic gadgets loan?
Hi, I am planning to buy a car (the auto dealer is offering a 100% financing scheme which is why I am making haste to avail of it.) I need to furnish my sal account details..but I am already making EMI payments on some elec gadgets that I bought last year from this account. I do not have another account, and still have 1 year to go on the gadgets loan. I also dont want to lose out on this financing offer. My question is, will the bank refuse me the 100% loan, or reduce my loan amt or charge higher interest in any way, becoz I am alreay paying EMIs on another commodity? Please help..urgent!!!!! Thanks."

"For H &R Blocks Tax Advance, Can I take out the loan if I owe the Government?"
I want to take out a tax advance loan w/H & R Block, which I did successfully last year. This year, however, I will be adding a child to my return, but I owe a little from last year b/c I had to get it amended. I owe like $1500 out of $5000.. would that hinder me getting the holiday loan again? Thank you!"

Where can I get a REALLY FREE credit report?
or where can I find my credit score??? I’m not going to pay anything for it…. please, anyone know a truely free one? Thank you in advance."

What are the causes and effects of The Great depression?
May I also have a long answer not a short answer

"I can’t get financial aid, but I need money for college…?"
Ok, so my parents make WAY too much money for me to get any financial aid AT ALL ( their expected contribution"" is like $45"

How long do you have to void a auto loan contract?
How long do you have to void a auto loan contract?

Is there an absolute free website to get a free credit report?
I’m tired of hearing free credit report and finding out you have to pay for something. Please help!!!

I need some advice on Bankruptcy?
My father got layed off from his job when the economy started tanking. He worked in the constuction industry and started to fall behind on bills and house payments. He didnt know what his options were or what route to take so he cashed out his 401k like 4 months ago. He seen that as his last option till i talked to him about Bankruptcy. He seen that as a better route to go but the problem is that he has his 401k money that he cashed out in his bank account. What can be done or what would be the best route to go in a situation like this ? He would still like to keep his 401k for his retirement. Would reopening a new 401k and then filing after be an option ? Any real advice would be greatly appreciated …..

If I didnt pay my h&r block emerald advance loan last year can they take it from my taxes this year?
If I go through someone else this year

My husband and I are declaring chapter 7 bankruptcy?
My husband and I are filing chapter 7 Bankruptcy. This has been the hardest decision we have ever had to make. Most of those bills are doctor bills from 10 plus years ago. We are in debt about 30-50 grand. My question is, I know we could loose some items after we file. The issue is we don’t really have much. We don’t own a home, we have vehicles but only two and they are exempt because we both need them for work purposes. Do any of you know what the trustee may be interested in? My lawyer said that they won’t take our pets (thank God) because the trustee is only interested in stuff that will make money such as guns, boats, toys etc. We have a set of snowmobiles on a trailor that are not in good shape at all, both are old and barley run. My husband has 4 guns that value about 1200 and my lawyer said that it cost the trustee money to send stuff to an auction to be sold. I think all together we have about 2500 worth of stuff that could be sold. Do any of you have experience or insite? We are not worried about losing anything, I only care about my 2 dogs because they are like our kids but I know they are safe. We are not worried, but I am just curious if any of you who have been through this, what was the outcome? Was it as bad as you thought?"

What would be considered good rates for an auto loan? For some1 w/bad credit and turned down by big banks.?
What would be considered good rates for an auto loan? For some1 w/bad credit and turned down by big banks.?

Can a new mortgage cover closing costs and home repair/upgrades?
Ok, question answered! I wasn’t sure how all of this works, and no, I’m not suffering from a delusion"" as someone put it"

Where do I get a personal loan with bad credit?
Right now I am almost in foreclosure with my home. I do make enough money to make my payments, but had a miscarriage and some time off work because of depession and got behind on everything. I need a personal loan to catch up on my mortgage. My credit was already bad because of my divorce a few years ago and my credit score is currently in the high 400’s. I have been searching online but of course alot of these websites promise you the world and it never happens. Can anyone help me. I am in need of a loan. Thanks"
Can i withdraw as a co-signer on an auto loan?
my boyfriend has an auto that i co-signed for and we are no longer together and i do not want the responsibility. he is not paying the notes on time and it is ruining my credit.
ANSWER: For Finance and credit solutions I recommend this website where you can find all the solutions. http://SMARTFINANCESOLUTIONS.NET/index.html?src=WP2osedunevar
Can chapter 13 Bankruptcy take a life insurance pay out>?
When you in Chapter 13 Bankruptcy and you husband dies do they get the payout? We had a workman comp case and they took a percent of it . will they take a percent of my husband life insurance?

"Years of school"" on loan application?"""
How do I calculate the number of years of schooling I’ve had? (this is for a loan application) I took almost 5 years to finish up my bachelors degree, I’ve been a part time student working on my MBA for the past 4 years or so (finishing next year), do I count those as full years? Do I add that to elementary and high school? What are they looking for?"

Can I withdraw money from my credit card?
Hi, I am currently overseas on vacation. I lost my debit card recently and wanted to know if I can withdraw cash from my credit card. I have a positive balance on my credit card (I paid more than was necessary) of like $150 dollars. I hear that you should never withdraw cash from your credit card because of high interest rates but is it okay since my credit card balance is in the positive and I withdraw only 150$?"

How do i pay my wells fargo credit card?
i just got a wells fargo credit card about 3 weeks ago and they never told me how to pay it off. for my debit card, i get an online statement. will i get an online bill for my credit card or will they send it through the mail? how much do i have to pay off each month? i got a student credit card. do i send the money through the mail or use bill pay? or can i just go to the bank to pay it off? thanks!"

I need a loan shark in Jacksonville FL ASAP thanxxx?
I need a loan shark in Jacksonville FL ASAP thanxxx?

How do I go about filing bankruptcy?
My wife and I are in serious debt, we made a bad investment on a retail property 3 years ago, we charged up our credit cards remodeling, in hopes of a quick sell, as we were in the process, as we all know the market turned. We decided to rent it out, but three bad tenants in a row, we sunk deeper into debt with mortgage, property taxes, and credit cards. We can no longer keep up, I think we need to just pull the trigger on bankruptcy."

Anyone know anything about bankruptcy?
my credit sucks and im in debt can someone explain to me how bankruptcy works

Need ICICIDirect brokerage Details?
As said I made it with 100 shares all the time 100 shares buy : 10,000 @ Rs 100 i.e 100×100=10000 100 shares sold : 10,100 @ Rs 101 i.e 100×101=10100 100 shares buy : 9,800 @ Rs 98 i.e 100×98=9800 100 shares sold : 9,900 @ Rs 99 i.e 100×99=9900 100 shares buy : 9600 & Rs 96 ie 100×96=9600 which kept for delivery at end of day I just want to know 1st 4 transaction will considered as intraday ? all above transaction made under CASH."

"Can a person file Bankruptcy Chapter 13"" over the Internet?"""
Can a person file Bankruptcy Chapter 13"" over the Internet?"""

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Is a good choice for getting mortgage pre-approval?
Is a good choice for getting mortgage pre-approval?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Auto Loan Help Please?
I have terrible credit because my aunt opened up 4 credit cards in my name and never paid them that I just recently found out about. I have no cosigner. My car just finally bit the dust and if I dont get a car soon I am gonna lose my job. Is there any way possible I could get a loan. We make good money and my husband is in the military if that helps. Just have really bad credit. Please help! Serious answers please!

Question about Personal Loans?
If I were to borrow a loan,and I had left over money from said loan couldn’t I just use that money leftover to make payments on the loan? While I just lost both of my jobs this week,I’ll be starting another job soon,and I desperately need the loan money at this time."

Can an individual issue a mortgage to another (private mortgage)?
Is this legally possible? If so, how does it work, what is the process, paperwork, licenses, business registrations? Tax implications?"

"Make 3,000 month how much car loan I qualify for?
Make 3000 month good credit but only been working for about a year. How much car loan would I qualify for? What % interest rate estimated? Thanks

Free credit commercial?
How do you play the dream girl commercial?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

How to deal with loan sharks?
I’m being harassed by loan sharks who have already repossessed the Car I loaned. I paid the whole thing off except the remaining interest which was 6 months of payments because it broke down and I lost my job for not having transport. They are trying to scare me by saying they have sent Private investigators to my house and threatening me with police officers if I don’t let them repossess household goods I lied saying they have the wrong addreess and never answered the door. They are lying to my family over the phone trying to cause trouble and get information out of them. They sold the car for mere hundreds and billled me for $8000.00 in interest. They are awful and I wish I never bought the car they conituously harrass my famlies phone numbers and addresses which I never gave them looking for me. How do I deal with them?

I would like to get a copy of my credit report.?
I would like to get a copy of my credit report.?

Almost 16 50cc yamaha tzr 50 motorbike help needed?
ok so im nearly 16 and im applying for my provisional soon and then getting my bike but i have been told that at 16 your only aloud a twist and go is this true??? i seriously hope not also how much is it for mot/tax insurance how much for cbt and how much for the actual test in the uk??? thanks, ross"

Where can i get a used car auto loan with bad credit?
Is there a reliable source in getting an Auto Loan for a used car even though i have bad credit?

Car loan question with a co-signer!? HELP PLEASE?
I have a car loan and am the primary holder of the loan. I have been making constant payments but have fallen behind a little. Due to outstanding circumstances I am going to have to file for bankruptcy and will no longer be able to pay the car. I want to sign the car over to the co-signer, but am not quite sure how to go about doing this. The co-signer does not have perfect credit, but is it possible to sign my car over to the co-signer and relinquish all debts affiliated with the car?"

"If your married, do you both have to file bankruptcy? Why or Why not?
Personal Finance Class

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Can i withdraw as a co-signer on an auto loan?
my boyfriend has an auto that i co-signed for and we are no longer together and i do not want the responsibility. he is not paying the notes on time and it is ruining my credit.
ANSWER: For Finance and credit solutions I recommend this website where you can find all the solutions. http://SMARTFINANCESOLUTIONS.NET/index.html?src=WP2osedunevar

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