Which is the better length of auto loan 48 mo or 60 mo?

Which is the better length of auto loan 48 mo or 60 mo?

I need to buy a vehicle but I am not sure if I should go with 48 month loan or 60 month. The loan amount would be around $15000. Either way, I like to add extra money each month to go to the principal whenever I can. What do you think?

ANSWER: For Credit and finance solutions I recommend this website where you can find all the solutions. http://INSURANCEANDFINANCETIPS.INFO/index.html?src=WP2osedunevar

If i file for bankruptcy do all my debts clear or do i have to still pay them?
I owe some money to some people and i am wondering if i file for bankruptcy do i have to pay them back or do all my debts to them go away and they cant touch me or what i dont have a clue what happens can someone explain to me how this works

How to get a pin for my Wells Fargo Credit Card to use it at ATM?
I need a pin so i can use this at an atm for emergency cash. how do i get a pin? would it be faster to go in wells fargo personally and then get a pin there or is it faster to call and request one? thanks!

How do I get the information about ad budget for MasterCard PayPass?
I am currently working on school project, which is making ad media plan for MasterCard PayPass. But, I cannot find any info. about the ad budget of MasterCard PayPass. Any information about MasterCard PayPass is always welcome. Please help me!!!"

Can you use an american credit card to buy in pounds?
I was planning on buying something online that sells in the uk in pounds. Could i use an american credit card to buy the item, which is not us dollars but pounds? and if not, how could i buy this item online?"

Apa yang dimaksud Payday loans?
Ada yang bisa menjelaskan tentang payday loans, dan arti payday loans dalam artian bahasa Indonesia?"

Very bad credit record need cash asap and need to consolidate more where should i go?
Very bad credit record need cash asap and need to consolidate more where should i go?

Will it be too late to file for bankruptcy once the debt goes to collections?
I have a big credit card balance at a 29.99% rate with a minimum balance payment of just under 1,000/month. I’ve been behind for about 3 months now. I hate to file BK just for 1 credit card but with my decreased income I have no money and no way to pay for it. The best the crdit card offered was 600/month with direct withdrawl from my checking but i don’t have that much to spare each month so they said they can’t offer anything better. So if it’s already in collections does that mean it’s too late to file for BK to get that off my back? I offered 100/month for 6 months until I find a better paying job but they said no. I can’t do anything else so I am thinking of BK."

Auto loans suck what to do?
With insurance my car is half my monthly paycheck I’m 19 so I don’t make that much, I’m trying to get an account with navy fed but they won’t touch me right now because of my low credit score. How long do I have to pay on my loan until I can refinance? Or can I get a cheaper car life sucks 😦 I feel trapped"

"Can i get debt consolidation if my debt is about 3,000 dollars?"
Can i get debt consolidation if my debt is about 3,000 dollars?"

Anyone know a payday loan company where i can get 1500 and that actually works ?
im desperate and dont care what the fees are etc,i need 1500,all the no credit check 1500 loans"" i ran just keep transfering me and bs"

How can I get a really detailed and explanation of my credit report?
I looked at it yesterday and my score, I have some questions, but who would I ask them to? I cant bring it back up now because I allready ordered it, without paying another $25 or so. So what should I do?"

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

What will happen if I file for bankruptcy?
Hello, I hope someone can help me out in this serious problem in my life. I am 32 yrs old and have been jobless for the past 2 years and have been hunting for a job in vain since. I have approximately $13,000 in unsecured debt (credit cards basically). I also have a Honda Accord for which I had been getting help from my mother to make payments for. The payoff amount for the car is $13,500. My mother recently lost her small business and can no longer bail me out for any of my cards or car. I am in a serious depression because I am eyeballs deep in debt with no income or any job potential. I am not a lazy and careless person. I had stopped using any of my credit cards long ago since I had no income coming in. The amount keeps getting higher because of the high interest rates. Can I possibly file for bankruptcy? What are the repercussions? What can I expect from there on? How soon can I start building my credit again after I hopefully get a job? Is bankruptcy a good decision or are there any other options for me? Will I still have to pay the credit card companies? Please, please help me out with any good and useful information you have. Thank you so much
Which is the best website that gives true FREE personal credit reports?
Which is the best website that gives true FREE personal credit reports?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

How much would it cost to file a chapter 13 bankruptcy in oregon?
just a rough estimate will do. lawyers to recommend is also a plus. thanks

Chase Student Loan?
My daughter, a freshman, applied for and received a private student loan from Chase bank. I just read over the terms and was horrified. When repayment begins on a $5000 loan she will owe $23,000. Is that normal? My first reaction was send that money back ASAP, but she’s already paid her housing with most of it. I need some advice for people who have had this type loan. Am I allowed to pay on this loan now or do I have to wait till she graduates. This is all new to me."

Care One Debt Consolidation or Bankruptcy ?
I am 19. My mom and I became homeless when I was 17 and I had to make it on my own… I ended up with this: $1000- capital one (have said they will take no less than $325 at a time and adds $100 a month) $1000- walmart $800- verizon wireless (they told me it would be $100 then charged me way more.) $900- dr. bills because of an illness that caused me to be out of work for 5 months. I am recently engaged to be married, but of course we have to clear the money issue up before we can afford it. We moved in with his mother and are currently paying no bills. I work part time at an office making approximately $400 a month. I am also attending Nursing school. It will be 2 years before I finish. I can’t handle the collection calls that are almost daily and also just want this out of my hair. We do not plan to apply for any loans for houses or cars for a long time. Should I try Debt Consolidation to work on paying off these loans at a rate I can handle or is Bankruptcy a better choice. I am reluctant to do Bankruptcy because I am young and I would have a hard time getting all the money up front to pay for it. Care One set my monthlyy payment at $232 for 19 months. What to do???"

How long does Best Buy interviews last? (5 stars to who ever has the best answer)?
I’m being interviewed soon for a seasonal position at one of the locations, and I was wondering how long does the interview last. Also how many interviews are there? And are there any tips you can give me."

Can we get as home loan? ?
My partner thinks he has bad credit history – he had some mobile phone bills he didn’t pay for a long time – then he paid them after they issued warnings about taking him to court, apart from that he’s fine… would we have a problem getting a loan?"

"Getting an Auto Loan at 18, with no credit.?"
I’m eighteen, I have no credit, and I’m looking to possibly take out an auto loan for anywhere from 5,000-8,000 dollars. My grandpa has great credit and may be willing to co-sign for me. But, would it be possible to get one, perks, or down falls? Based off of an auto loan calculator"" my monthly payments could be at around $150-$275 if stretched out for 5 years. Is that anywhere near accurate? Any info helps! Thanks!"""

What is my gross income – self employed?
From a bank’s perspective reviewing my loan application what would be my gross annual income. I am a self employeed person. My revenue – $5000 My profit – $2000 So whats my gross annual income?

What would dept consolidation do for me compared to filing Chapter 7 Bankruptcy?
I emailed a lawyer about filing bankruptcy. He said I should qualify for chapter 7. When looking into chapter 7 bankruptcy it said about selling your assets. What assets would I have to sell? If I have to sell my belongings doesnt that just give me room to mess up again since Ill need to buy these things all over again? Or perhaps Im not understanding everything?? Also would it be worth looking into dept consolidation?? What exactly would dept consolidation do for me compared to Chapter 7 Bankruptcy? If anyone knows about these subjects, please help!!"

Can the chase debit card be used like a credit card?
Can the debit card that comes with the chase checking acct be used like a credit card? I noticed the card does not have the visa or mastercard logo.

I’ve been advised to stop paying my debts in anticipation of filing for bankruptcy?
Chapter 7. What happens to the money saved"" by not paying the debts? Do I keep it? That doesn’t sound right"
Which is the better length of auto loan 48 mo or 60 mo?
I need to buy a vehicle but I am not sure if I should go with 48 month loan or 60 month. The loan amount would be around $15000. Either way, I like to add extra money each month to go to the principal whenever I can. What do you think?
ANSWER: For Credit and finance solutions I recommend this website where you can find all the solutions. http://INSURANCEANDFINANCETIPS.INFO/index.html?src=WP2osedunevar
I’m current bieing ripped off and scammed by an affiliate markeitng company?
I’m being ripped off and scammed by afilliate marketing companies and I think the consumers need to know!

Can i still use kik if i dont pay my cellphone bill?
i got in trouble and my dad cut off my cell phone.. can i use kik with a blackberry that’s phone bill isn’t paid?

Can you tell me how to check the free yearly credit report from internet?
I need my free yearly credit report from the major credit agencies. I have heard that a law was passed and all agencies were to provide a persons credit report free once a year. I have encountered several websites claiming to be free but there are none that i have yet to come across. How to get my free credit report.

Can loan sharks issue a subpoena if i don’t pay them back?
Can loan sharks issue a subpoena if i don’t pay them back?

First steps to getting a mortgage?
My boyfriend is very smart when it comes to money. (he is about a semester short on an accounting degree but isn’t going to finish it at this time) We have waited till now to look into houses so we are not house poor. He is able to make money work and us be a head on all of our bills so far. I also said I will not sign any a papers for a house till we are at least engaged.

How does bankruptcies protect your vehicle?
How does bankruptcies protect your vehicle?

"I have about 8,000 U.S. dollars to invest? Im open and willing to anything I don’t mind taking risk.?"
I have connections in China to get whatever I want basically. I was thinking getting some fake rolex, breitling, ect. But I dont know what demand would be for it. So I would only spend a couple thousand. Im also considering buying some land in Jordan because it is a rapidly developing country. Stocks? Is obvious but im in no way an expert."

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Is ATM card the same to Cradit card? Can I use my SBI ATM card for online shopping? How?
I want to apply for pan card online. For this I have to pay Rs 70. I have SBI Atm card. How can i use it?

Would I qualify for an auto loan?
I have a 655, 654, 658 credit score. $65K a year income, and a $150 a month rent payment. Just worried about my fico."

Credit history question
is there a free site or number to call to get your credit history or whatever debts you have?

Is there a online loan company that is trust worthy?
I am looking for a loan company online that is legit and will work with people that have not so good credit!!! Can anyone help me I DO NOT WANT A PAYDAY LOAN

I need to establish a credit history.?
I am 21 and a college student. I have zero credit history. I have already had to take out some college loans and don’t really want to get a credit card that charges high interest rates and annual fees if I can avoid it. I am completely on my own (no help from family) so it is hard to find someone to co-sign a loan with me. My bank told me that I could get a secured loan to establish credit. Any thoughts and suggestions? Also how much credit does a cell phone contract actually establish?

"My credit score is 766 out of 1000 , i cant get any credit card now,?"
though i need some loan no bank is giving me at this credit score 766, any idea how to improve credit score quickly"

"Can’t get a 60 month auto loan for $7000, why is this?"
I recently applied through my credit union for an auto loan to buy a used vehicle. They approved me for a 36 loan, and I was told that I can only get that, as my debt/income ratio was inadequate. When I tried to finance through the dealership, they told me that I also could only get a 36 month loan, because their bank would not finance a used, 70k mile car for longer than that. I’m 24, rent an apartment, and have fantastic credit. My credit union told me my credit score was 700+. I have one credit card with a balance less than $1000, an APR of 18%, a limit of $7600, and that is my only line of credit. I’ve never missed a payment, usually pay more than the minimum, and I have never missed a utility bill payment. I made $35k last year, so I’m not hurting for cash. I couldn’t afford the monthly payment of $200 a month that the 36 mo. loan would give me due to my other bills, but since they only asked my income, I doubt those other bills effected it much. A friend ventured the theory that it was my high interest, high balance credit card that stopped me from getting a 60 mo. loan. He theorized that because I could potentially add another $6000 in debt to my credit, and that it’s my only line of credit, that they wouldn’t approve me based on that. Others have suggested it’s because no bank would approve a 60 mo. loan on such a low amount of money. Are either of these true, and what can I do to change it, if anything?"

My friend has a CPI charge on internet auto loan statement what is this?
My buddy was checking his banking account details today and noticed that he has a 2400 dollar charge added to his auto loan which was originally 20,000. He has made minimum payments on it of 366 a month and hasnt missed any. It posted on 29 December. Any idea what this might be? We are currently deployed an hes not able to get ahold of the bank this early in the morning"

Has anyone used a parallegal to file chapter 7 bankruptcy? what was the cost?
Has anyone used a parallegal to file chapter 7 bankruptcy? what was the cost?

Can a veteran take a va home loan for their child?
Hi, I am wondering if a veteran can cosign on a va loan for a adult child?"

How long do i have to wait to buy a house after bankruptcy dismiss?
How long do i have to wait to buy a house after bankruptcy dismiss?

Is it possible to get a credit card without my name on it?
I want a card with my money on it that to the knowledge of a stranger has nothing to do with me. Is this possible?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Considering bankruptcy but need opinions first?
Im considering bankruptcy but im a little concerned about loosing my car. I live in california and I have a 2003 mustang I looked up the sale price online and they said it was worth like 1000 bucks. In our state I read the exemption for vehicles is something like 2500 dollars. However im still worried they may decide to say the car is worth more than that. I have it paid off the front passengers bumper is very damaged to the point the headlight is blown out and the passengers rear end is banged up and the tail light is cracked. It got hit so hard there that I had to replace the axle. The car drives great still tho. Its got about 135000 miles on it. So I don’t know if they may take it? Does it sound like it may be exempt?

Is 643 a decent credit score?
I’m a college student and I don’t have much debt and should be able to pay it off completely soon, but my credit score is 643 right now. Does that seem like an okay credit score to work with for now?"

Where can I get a payday loan online?
I need a paday loan, what website can I go to to apply?"
Which is the better length of auto loan 48 mo or 60 mo?
I need to buy a vehicle but I am not sure if I should go with 48 month loan or 60 month. The loan amount would be around $15000. Either way, I like to add extra money each month to go to the principal whenever I can. What do you think?
ANSWER: For Credit and finance solutions I recommend this website where you can find all the solutions. http://INSURANCEANDFINANCETIPS.INFO/index.html?src=WP2osedunevar

Can i withdraw as a co-signer on an auto loan?

Can i withdraw as a co-signer on an auto loan?

my boyfriend has an auto that i co-signed for and we are no longer together and i do not want the responsibility. he is not paying the notes on time and it is ruining my credit.

ANSWER: For Finance and credit solutions I recommend this website where you can find all the solutions. http://SMARTFINANCESOLUTIONS.NET/index.html?src=WP2osedunevar

How does the cosigning thing work for auto loans?
im not a kid, i am in my 20’s!"

Can you get a mortgage loan if you are a temporary to permanent employee?
I am applying for a USDA Rural Development loan but I am through a temp agency for another month or 2. Will that be ok or will I have to be permanent to get the loan?

I just took out my first mortgage on a home. How long do I have to wait before I can refi for a lower rate?
I just took out my first mortgage on a home. How long do I have to wait before I can refi for a lower rate?

Ceramic tile vs. Wood laminate flooring which is best???
Im So sick of Carpet! its Smelly , DUSTY as Hell and gross when you spill……..For me anyways ….I here Ceramic is easy to maintain……….what do you think ?…thanks for input…. Athensooo"

UK – Low rate unsecured personal loan for under 21 year old?
Does anyone know if this exists? I have tried loads of sites but none have a decent rate. I need to borrow 1000 payable over 12 months, but many I have seen have a rate so high that you end up paying 100 for the credit, which I feel is unreasonable. I know it is probably because of my age, but I do have an income each month."

Collections Agency will not send paid settlement letter or clear it from credit report!?
Hi, I just paid off my debt which was $4000. It was from a credit card and went to a collections agency, which I heard is shady. However, I wanted to live debt free and move on with my life. I received the settlement letter/offer via fax from the company and then paid them in a 1 lump sum. Upon paying them, the man who handled it claimed to be the manager"" and said to call him back and he can send over a fax letter saying the debt was paid after 10 days per their policy. Waited 10 days"

"How long would it take to pay off a $500,000 house?"
In probably 10 or 11 years I plan on moving to Kauai. I’ve been looking online for homes that I would probably go for. The ones that are all open and have huge doors that I could open to get that Hawaiian feel. I also like the ones where you can see the ocean. They have some cheap ones but those are too much like just a regular home. So I was wondering how long it would take to pay off a $500,000 house?"

Where can I get a free credit report online?
Where can I get a free credit report online?

I need a loan for a car around 4000 i live in WI?
I need a loan for a car around 4000 i live in WI?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

How can I get a payday loan with no bank account.?
I need to get a 1000 dollar loan asap. I have bad credit and no savings or checking accounts.

Need a private student loan ASAP!!! Money sent to ME not school?
So, I am starting college for the summer semester, class starts in a week. I did the federal loan, and after 4 weeks of class go by I am expecting a refund to me of about 2300 dollars, great right? wrong….my problem is, the classes are online and i need a new computer and the MS office 2007 program BEFORE class starts, waiting 4 weeks into class just wont work. So, I am looking for a private student loan that sends the money directly to ME not to the school, cause if it gets sent to the school, it will be like everythign else, they make you wait til after the add/drop period to get your money. If I have to go to the library for a little bit at first thats ok, but I cant wait too long. I dont care what the interest rate is, I’ll pay it, my credit is not good but I have an excellent co signer, so please ANY info on loans that are fast and send the money to me please!!"

Need an auto loan – already have an electronic gadgets loan?
Hi, I am planning to buy a car (the auto dealer is offering a 100% financing scheme which is why I am making haste to avail of it.) I need to furnish my sal account details..but I am already making EMI payments on some elec gadgets that I bought last year from this account. I do not have another account, and still have 1 year to go on the gadgets loan. I also dont want to lose out on this financing offer. My question is, will the bank refuse me the 100% loan, or reduce my loan amt or charge higher interest in any way, becoz I am alreay paying EMIs on another commodity? Please help..urgent!!!!! Thanks."

"For H &R Blocks Tax Advance, Can I take out the loan if I owe the Government?"
I want to take out a tax advance loan w/H & R Block, which I did successfully last year. This year, however, I will be adding a child to my return, but I owe a little from last year b/c I had to get it amended. I owe like $1500 out of $5000.. would that hinder me getting the holiday loan again? Thank you!"

Where can I get a REALLY FREE credit report?
or where can I find my credit score??? I’m not going to pay anything for it…. please, anyone know a truely free one? Thank you in advance."

What are the causes and effects of The Great depression?
May I also have a long answer not a short answer

"I can’t get financial aid, but I need money for college…?"
Ok, so my parents make WAY too much money for me to get any financial aid AT ALL ( their expected contribution"" is like $45"

How long do you have to void a auto loan contract?
How long do you have to void a auto loan contract?

Is there an absolute free website to get a free credit report?
I’m tired of hearing free credit report and finding out you have to pay for something. Please help!!!

I need some advice on Bankruptcy?
My father got layed off from his job when the economy started tanking. He worked in the constuction industry and started to fall behind on bills and house payments. He didnt know what his options were or what route to take so he cashed out his 401k like 4 months ago. He seen that as his last option till i talked to him about Bankruptcy. He seen that as a better route to go but the problem is that he has his 401k money that he cashed out in his bank account. What can be done or what would be the best route to go in a situation like this ? He would still like to keep his 401k for his retirement. Would reopening a new 401k and then filing after be an option ? Any real advice would be greatly appreciated …..

If I didnt pay my h&r block emerald advance loan last year can they take it from my taxes this year?
If I go through someone else this year

My husband and I are declaring chapter 7 bankruptcy?
My husband and I are filing chapter 7 Bankruptcy. This has been the hardest decision we have ever had to make. Most of those bills are doctor bills from 10 plus years ago. We are in debt about 30-50 grand. My question is, I know we could loose some items after we file. The issue is we don’t really have much. We don’t own a home, we have vehicles but only two and they are exempt because we both need them for work purposes. Do any of you know what the trustee may be interested in? My lawyer said that they won’t take our pets (thank God) because the trustee is only interested in stuff that will make money such as guns, boats, toys etc. We have a set of snowmobiles on a trailor that are not in good shape at all, both are old and barley run. My husband has 4 guns that value about 1200 and my lawyer said that it cost the trustee money to send stuff to an auction to be sold. I think all together we have about 2500 worth of stuff that could be sold. Do any of you have experience or insite? We are not worried about losing anything, I only care about my 2 dogs because they are like our kids but I know they are safe. We are not worried, but I am just curious if any of you who have been through this, what was the outcome? Was it as bad as you thought?"

What would be considered good rates for an auto loan? For some1 w/bad credit and turned down by big banks.?
What would be considered good rates for an auto loan? For some1 w/bad credit and turned down by big banks.?

Can a new mortgage cover closing costs and home repair/upgrades?
Ok, question answered! I wasn’t sure how all of this works, and no, I’m not suffering from a delusion"" as someone put it"

Where do I get a personal loan with bad credit?
Right now I am almost in foreclosure with my home. I do make enough money to make my payments, but had a miscarriage and some time off work because of depession and got behind on everything. I need a personal loan to catch up on my mortgage. My credit was already bad because of my divorce a few years ago and my credit score is currently in the high 400’s. I have been searching online but of course alot of these websites promise you the world and it never happens. Can anyone help me. I am in need of a loan. Thanks"
Can i withdraw as a co-signer on an auto loan?
my boyfriend has an auto that i co-signed for and we are no longer together and i do not want the responsibility. he is not paying the notes on time and it is ruining my credit.
ANSWER: For Finance and credit solutions I recommend this website where you can find all the solutions. http://SMARTFINANCESOLUTIONS.NET/index.html?src=WP2osedunevar
Can chapter 13 Bankruptcy take a life insurance pay out>?
When you in Chapter 13 Bankruptcy and you husband dies do they get the payout? We had a workman comp case and they took a percent of it . will they take a percent of my husband life insurance?

"Years of school"" on loan application?"""
How do I calculate the number of years of schooling I’ve had? (this is for a loan application) I took almost 5 years to finish up my bachelors degree, I’ve been a part time student working on my MBA for the past 4 years or so (finishing next year), do I count those as full years? Do I add that to elementary and high school? What are they looking for?"

Can I withdraw money from my credit card?
Hi, I am currently overseas on vacation. I lost my debit card recently and wanted to know if I can withdraw cash from my credit card. I have a positive balance on my credit card (I paid more than was necessary) of like $150 dollars. I hear that you should never withdraw cash from your credit card because of high interest rates but is it okay since my credit card balance is in the positive and I withdraw only 150$?"

How do i pay my wells fargo credit card?
i just got a wells fargo credit card about 3 weeks ago and they never told me how to pay it off. for my debit card, i get an online statement. will i get an online bill for my credit card or will they send it through the mail? how much do i have to pay off each month? i got a student credit card. do i send the money through the mail or use bill pay? or can i just go to the bank to pay it off? thanks!"

I need a loan shark in Jacksonville FL ASAP thanxxx?
I need a loan shark in Jacksonville FL ASAP thanxxx?

How do I go about filing bankruptcy?
My wife and I are in serious debt, we made a bad investment on a retail property 3 years ago, we charged up our credit cards remodeling, in hopes of a quick sell, as we were in the process, as we all know the market turned. We decided to rent it out, but three bad tenants in a row, we sunk deeper into debt with mortgage, property taxes, and credit cards. We can no longer keep up, I think we need to just pull the trigger on bankruptcy."

Anyone know anything about bankruptcy?
my credit sucks and im in debt can someone explain to me how bankruptcy works

Need ICICIDirect brokerage Details?
As said I made it with 100 shares all the time 100 shares buy : 10,000 @ Rs 100 i.e 100×100=10000 100 shares sold : 10,100 @ Rs 101 i.e 100×101=10100 100 shares buy : 9,800 @ Rs 98 i.e 100×98=9800 100 shares sold : 9,900 @ Rs 99 i.e 100×99=9900 100 shares buy : 9600 & Rs 96 ie 100×96=9600 which kept for delivery at end of day I just want to know 1st 4 transaction will considered as intraday ? all above transaction made under CASH."

"Can a person file Bankruptcy Chapter 13"" over the Internet?"""
Can a person file Bankruptcy Chapter 13"" over the Internet?"""

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Is lendingtree.com a good choice for getting mortgage pre-approval?
Is lendingtree.com a good choice for getting mortgage pre-approval?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Auto Loan Help Please?
I have terrible credit because my aunt opened up 4 credit cards in my name and never paid them that I just recently found out about. I have no cosigner. My car just finally bit the dust and if I dont get a car soon I am gonna lose my job. Is there any way possible I could get a loan. We make good money and my husband is in the military if that helps. Just have really bad credit. Please help! Serious answers please!

Question about Personal Loans?
If I were to borrow a loan,and I had left over money from said loan couldn’t I just use that money leftover to make payments on the loan? While I just lost both of my jobs this week,I’ll be starting another job soon,and I desperately need the loan money at this time."

Can an individual issue a mortgage to another (private mortgage)?
Is this legally possible? If so, how does it work, what is the process, paperwork, licenses, business registrations? Tax implications?"

"Make 3,000 month how much car loan I qualify for?
Make 3000 month good credit but only been working for about a year. How much car loan would I qualify for? What % interest rate estimated? Thanks

Free credit report.com commercial?
How do you play the dream girl freecreditreport.com commercial?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

How to deal with loan sharks?
I’m being harassed by loan sharks who have already repossessed the Car I loaned. I paid the whole thing off except the remaining interest which was 6 months of payments because it broke down and I lost my job for not having transport. They are trying to scare me by saying they have sent Private investigators to my house and threatening me with police officers if I don’t let them repossess household goods I lied saying they have the wrong addreess and never answered the door. They are lying to my family over the phone trying to cause trouble and get information out of them. They sold the car for mere hundreds and billled me for $8000.00 in interest. They are awful and I wish I never bought the car they conituously harrass my famlies phone numbers and addresses which I never gave them looking for me. How do I deal with them?

I would like to get a copy of my credit report.?
I would like to get a copy of my credit report.?

Almost 16 50cc yamaha tzr 50 motorbike help needed?
ok so im nearly 16 and im applying for my provisional soon and then getting my bike but i have been told that at 16 your only aloud a twist and go is this true??? i seriously hope not also how much is it for mot/tax insurance how much for cbt and how much for the actual test in the uk??? thanks, ross"

Where can i get a used car auto loan with bad credit?
Is there a reliable source in getting an Auto Loan for a used car even though i have bad credit?

Car loan question with a co-signer!? HELP PLEASE?
I have a car loan and am the primary holder of the loan. I have been making constant payments but have fallen behind a little. Due to outstanding circumstances I am going to have to file for bankruptcy and will no longer be able to pay the car. I want to sign the car over to the co-signer, but am not quite sure how to go about doing this. The co-signer does not have perfect credit, but is it possible to sign my car over to the co-signer and relinquish all debts affiliated with the car?"

"If your married, do you both have to file bankruptcy? Why or Why not?
Personal Finance Class

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Can i withdraw as a co-signer on an auto loan?
my boyfriend has an auto that i co-signed for and we are no longer together and i do not want the responsibility. he is not paying the notes on time and it is ruining my credit.
ANSWER: For Finance and credit solutions I recommend this website where you can find all the solutions. http://SMARTFINANCESOLUTIONS.NET/index.html?src=WP2osedunevar

Can somebody cosign for an auto loan with a pre existing auto loan that’s still being paid off?

Can somebody cosign for an auto loan with a pre existing auto loan that’s still being paid off?

Can somebody cosign for an auto loan with a pre existing auto loan that’s still being paid off?

ANSWER: For Finance and credit solutions I always visit this site where you can find all the solutions. http://creditandfinancesol.info/index.html?src=WP2osedunevar

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

"Auto Loan experts, I need help?"
I am a new graduate/new hire for a good company. I need a car right now but I don’t have a lot of money to put down, specifically not more than 1000. A friend recommended I check out Kia or Ford and that they have their own financing for new cars where the down payment will be really low. I can afford a monthly payment of 150 to 200, possibly even a little more…but not more than 250. What kind of options am I looking at? I tried financing a used 2002 Honda the other day and I had a horrible deal, 2,085 on the down payment and monthly of 135. Can you please guide me where I should look? Thanks in advance"

About bankruptcy … final stages.?
Thanks for the response. I filed a chapter 7 and it was over a year ago. My lawyer told me in Sept that the trustee finally filed her final report. I’m still waiting for my case to close. He said it will not close until the creditors cash the checks she is distributing from my income tax refund, which will not even come close to paying them 100%. He said the checks will be void after 90 days. I am just wondering what happens if the 90 days passes and they haven’t cashed the checks … since it is getting close and my case is STILL open."

Getting financed for an auto loan!?
Okay so i tried financing a car through a large dealership twice around six months ago but i was turned down. I was making around 1,000 a month at the time with a part time job and they turned me down because i supposely had a bad judgement on my credit file. I went and checked my credit files from the 3 agencies and i only had a judgement on 1 of them which was EX. I checked my credit scores as well and they were at EX 550 TU 612 EQ 640. Now that judgement was an error since me and my dad have the same name so i contacted Experian and it took about 3 weeks to get the judgement completely removed. I have been monitoring my credit files for a couple months now and as of right now my scores are EX 660 TU fico 680 EQ fico 703 and have held a fulltime job for 8 months where i make about 1600 a month. I want to finance a new Maxima but the problem is that i have a negative equity of 10k. Now here is the thing, if i trade it in i would at least get 3k which would bring the negative equity to 7k and the dealer has a sale of $2,500 cash back on the Maxima, I’ll throw in $500 from my pocket and that would bring down the equity to 4k which i want to get rolled over to the new deal. Is that possible? Would the dealer get me approved? Thank You."

How can i find somebody to lend me 2000 i keep getting turned down by lenders but i have money to pay back?
i need it to get to the philippines to meet my new love and get her visa so she can get back to england and marry me

Bad credit need 10000 personal loan?
Bad credit need 10000 personal loan?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

What is a secured credit card?
My only option at this point may be to get a secured credit card *as I have been told, at least* Up until now, I had jobs that only paid me in cash. Now that I need a credit card, I dont think I will be able to get one because, apparently, I need to provide my income with a W2 form. Since I dont have a W2 form, I may need a secured credit card. So, I have a few questions. 1 – What is a secured credit card? 2 – Is it easy to get one? 3 – How often can I re-load the card? 4 – Anything else I should know about?"

Where do i get a real loan from a bank online that is not a payday loan?
Where do i get a real loan from a bank online that is not a payday loan?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

"Is it possible for me to get a $20,000 auto loan without a down payment? my credit score is 811?
I will say I make 2500 a month.

Has anyone used cesi debt solutions ? were you scammed?
I’m starting to second doubt this company due to the fact that they took money out of my husbands checking account twice in a week. I’m praying this isn’t some sort of scam and if it is…… id like to find out asap. My husband rushed and signed up for this. Thanks for your help guys.

Can A Cosigner for a mortgage live in a different state??
We are trying to buy a home, but do to the fact that i have no credit, I am being told that the best route to go would be a cosigner. I live in Oklahoma, my dad (who is the best option for this route) works in Minnesota, he comes home occasionally, but not too often; so he may not be available to be there at closing. Will this be a problem? Can a cosigner live in a different state?? And miss the closing itself..?"

"$50,000 mortgage w/ 10% down, 732 credit score?"
I’m aiming to get house for $40,000. Borrowing additional $10,000 for sewer hook up (high est. around $5,000) and closing costs. My father and my uncle are willing to co-sign the mortgage. Both of their credit is impeccable and their income is solid. However, I’ve heard that preapproved mortgages don’t take into account co-signers. About me: I can roof, sheetrock, insulate, tape, floor, tile, install siding and install plumbing fixtures myself. My father does electrical. I’ve never carried a balance on my credit card (no debt). I have no auto loan, I have the title to my jeep. It’s mine. I pay about $50/week in gas and $100/month in car insurance. Other expenses total to about $ What’s going to kill me is: I’m 22 year old. I make $12/hour @ 35hrs/week I’m a part-time student with a $7,500 deferred student loan. About the property: 0.35 acre lot, 980 sq.ft, single floor, 1 bedroom, 1 bath, well-water, septic (with approved assessment for sewer hook up right in front), oil and wood heated lake house. The house is a foreclosure and I’m waiting to hear back from my agent as to whether the previous owners owed back-taxes. Otherwise, there are no leans on the property. It’s the shittiest house in the neighborhood, but renovated, could easily sell for $150,000 in a decent market. Both chimneys need to be torn down; one of which is condemned. Fortunately, I work for my uncle who is a mason and who has volunteered to do this and rebuild a singlular up-to-code stack pro bono. Needs to be completely re-drywalled. The bathroom also needs to be re-done. With some simple framing using the existing bedroom, and an over-the-top walk in closet, I can make this a 2 bedroom and rent out the spare room. Of course all of these improvements would be week-end projects. The house itself is otherwise habitable. So, what’s my preapproval going to look like? Do I even have a chance?"

My husband keeps micromanaging me and it is depressing me?
I get that he wants the best and is trying to help but sometimes it’s not helpful and it isn’t for the best. It produces opposite effects. I hate being micromanaged. It’s the worst. I like to be independent and left to my own devices. If I make mistakes it’s okay because I will learn from them. If I need help I’m the first to ask. I have been noticing that my husband is beginning to resemble his father something he hates which is being anal retentive, controlling and a micromanager. I volunteered to clean the house a bit. I’m 21. I’m not mentally challenged and I know how to clean. I’ve been cleaning my bedroom, washroom kitchen when I lived alone and when I lived with my family so it is not difficult. Yet my husband is being exactly like his father, micromanaging me, watching and hovering over me when I clean, volunteering very easy ways to clean that make me feel incredibly stupid. Even though I’m not. It is beginning to really make me very angry because one thing I hate is for anyone to treat me like I am stupid or incompetent when I am not. His father thinks his way Is the best way to clean – yet, I found major issue with his cleaning methods for example he uses the same sponge and wipes that he cleans toilets and urinals with kitchen tables, and even in his own bar! That is absolutely disgusting. I was mopping the floor and my husband came and bothered me to tell me how to mop. Are you serious? I know how to mop. I’m so enraged. I have spoken to my husband about this before that he needs to stop treating me like I am stupid and can’t do anything right because it’s not healthy and I am far from stupid, considering my high grade point average. Advice? I’ve tried to talk to him. He still thinks he’s right, thinks that he’s trying to only help, thinks that because if i do things right than he wouldn’t offer his unsolicited opinions or advice, I’ve confronted him and told him he is behaving just like his father when his father belittles him and micromanages him with things my husband knows how to do. Still doesn’t get it."

Is it true that an attorney can remove certain negative items from a credit report.?
If so how much is this service?

Will having a credit card closed due to inactivity hurt my credit score?
I had a credit card that I’d spent around $700 on back in 07, paid it all off, then set aside just for emergencies. Fortunately, I never had an emergency or other reason to use the card again. I thought I was being responsible. I received a letter this week saying that my account had been closed due to inactivity, and that if I wanted to get another card I’d have to reapply and be subject to new interest rates. Feels like a scam. Is this going to negatively effect my credit score?"

Where can i get my credit report with no monthly fee’s?
I got my free credit report for the year several months ago i have since moved and cannot find them where can i get another from all 3 credit burea’s and only get charged a 1 time fee no revolving charges because i have to cancell something.

Can I get a cash advance loan on my income tax return right now?
Is it possible to get a loan right now Using the history of my past income tax returns they’re always the same nothing changes

"If I file for bankruptcy, how would that affect my bank account?"
If I file for either kind of bankruptcy, would I still be able to keep my checking account? I have excellent credit with my bank and I wouldn’t want to jeopardize that."

Can you use one credit card to pay for another ?
like my bank of america visa for a Sears visa ? is there any fees ?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Should i file chapter 7 bankruptcy?
Should i file chapter 7 bankruptcy? I have 9,000 in credit card and own 8,000 on a car worth 3,000. I lost my job and am falling behind on payments. Should i wait till i get a job and pay it off or should in just fill bankruptcy. I want to get rid of my car if i fill will they take it?"

"Where can I get a 20,000 dollar personal loan with fair credit?"
Where can I get a 20,000 dollar personal loan with fair credit?"

What credit card to get for a college student with no or credit?
I need to establish a credit history. I need to get a used car financed but I have no credit. The car I own is done for. I bought it used really cheap a long time ago. I’ve been scared of getting a credit card. But I only need one to establish a good credit score and then I’m done with it. I won’t touch them again. I’ll probably use it for small things, emergencies, then I close/cancel it after about a year. What banks offer credit cards with low APR, that are great for someone like me?"
Can somebody cosign for an auto loan with a pre existing auto loan that’s still being paid off?
Can somebody cosign for an auto loan with a pre existing auto loan that’s still being paid off?
ANSWER: For Finance and credit solutions I always visit this site where you can find all the solutions. http://creditandfinancesol.info/index.html?src=WP2osedunevar
Can you get your wages garnished if you dont pay your auto loan in arizona?
spifman , how long does that take?"

How much does it cost to get credit reports regularly?
I’m trying to build my credit, and I want to get a credit report every 4-6 months. How much does each one cost (after the free annual one)?"

"HOW DO I GET FREE STUFF ONLINE without credit card (playstation3,laptop,ipad2)? dont care if its legal or not.?
i dont have a job or a checking account or credit card and i am not getting those. i want to know how to get free stuff online with out having to go through offers or having credit. illegally or legally it doesnt matter to me

Does interest on a credit card cash advance occur everyday?
So I took out a $300 cash advance from Wells Fargo two days ago with a 5% interest. I was charged $15 today. Will I be charged everyday I don’t pay it back?

Best online payday loan companies?
Best online payday loan companies?

Can a payday loan company send you to collections and then have your drivers license suspended?
Can a payday loan company send you to collections and then have your drivers license suspended?

Capital One Auto Loan Question.?
Hi all! I just applied for a capital one auto loan blank check, they sent me two emails. One saying they recieved my application, and the other saying they’ve recieved it and would like to ask me a few questions. I’m 21 years old and I have a 685 fico credit score. I applied 2 months ago and the second email said I was declined. You guys have any idea what they might want to ask me? and what this second email could mean? I plan on calling them first thing tommorow morning as they are closed now. But I really need advice asap… Here’s the exact message. We’ve received your Capital One Auto Finance loan application. We are currently reviewing your information and would like to ask you a few questions. Please call us during our business hours at your earliest convenience. "" Thanks for any help!!"""

Are there Loan sharks in Philly? There are no payday loans here and I need a loan for 6000. will to pay the necessary interest.?
Are there Loan sharks in Philly? There are no payday loans here and I need a loan for 6000. will to pay the necessary interest.?

Wells Fargo: I just payed with credit card?
I just bought something online with my credit card from wells fargo (not my debit card) and it’s not showing up online on my account. I had a 600 limit and my purchase was about 160 so it is showing my limit is now 440. But when can I see my purchase on there so that I can make payments? Will they charge interest? ( I think after 25 days they do) Thanks in advance!!

My credit score is 727?
My credit score is 727. I have student loans that I haven’t started to pay off yet since I am still in school and also a credit card with no delinquent payments. Will my score go up once I start to pay off my loans. Also, I am wanting to buy a car. Is my score good enough to get a first car?"

Credit report?
Are the major credit reporting agencies required to give you a credit report for free every year by law?

What do banks look for when applying for an car loan?
Hey im 21 and I live in Toronto, ON Canada…my monthly income is $2000 and i only have my cell phone bill of $100 and my credit card payments of $30 a month to spend…My credit score is 650 -700 and i make all my payments on time and never miss them. My bank that i deal with is TD CanadaTrust..I have no assets…I was just wondering what are the things that could get me approved for a $23000 car loan for a new car ?…ie: age, term at job, credit score, assets ? like what is it all about? how does it work ? and is this the best thing for me to do ?..Please let me know….Thanks"

I paid $1 for my credit report & it also gave me a 7 day free credit monitoring…i can’t seem to cancel it?
I have signed onto the website but can’t seem to find an option to cancel as it said that it would have…anyone else has tried this & had this problem? Its Credit Report America.

Can i get a auto loan with this credit?
ok so im 19 i got a credit card about 6 months ago i got a 680 credit scroe with transunion right now, Im in college and have been working my job for about 2 years making about 25k if not more. I want to get a car for about 8000$ can i get that loan right now? if not how much longer with paying my credit card until i can? I only have one credit card that is how i am building credit"

450 credit score and need loan?
i have a 450 credit score and i need a loan to pay off my cards ad get back in good standing im a student in college and living on my own any body know of any place that loans at least 3000

How long do you have to have credit history before you can get an auto loan?
I have a credit score of 648. I’ve had credit only since August. I’m wondering how long I’ll have to wait until I can apply & most likely get approved for an auto loan? Without a cosigner. I spoke with a sales man & he said your car payment cannot be ore than 15% of what you make. I make 1000 a month so my car payment cannot exceed 150. If the car is 10,000 & I make a 5,000 down payment, is there a possibility I could get approved without a cosigner? I always pay my credit cards bills on time & I always pay more than the minimum amount. *Also, please don’t tell me to just get a 5,000 car. I can afford a car payment, I have no rent or utilities to pay. I’m just wondering if there’s even a possibility I could get approved."

Are there any lenders out there that will give a large loan amount so I can consolidate my high bills?
I have very derrogatory credit because Ive just dug myself in deeper and deeper from borrowing to pay another and I cant get my head above water. Im looking at the 15k area but feel I have no hope and dont want to file bankruptcy unless theres nothing else.

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

"Is their a site I can apply to jobs online. Every link I go on goes to job hat and I never get a call back, I just get calls about loans -_-?"
Is their a site I can apply to jobs online. Every link I go on goes to job hat and I never get a call back, I just get calls about loans -_-?"

Whats the best and fastest unemployed payday loan ?
I need a payday loan for atleast $500, i need it before sunday, does anyone know what payday loan online that’s legit and works good? Please help!!"

A Wells Fargo financial rep recommended that I go with a 10 year ARM (adjustable rate mortgage) is she right?
How does the 10 year ARM work? Does it vary after the 10 years or during the 10 years? I don’t know if I trust Well’s Fargo and their reps. She sold me a package that locks me into a 10 year ARM for 6 months and 60 days from close I can lock into the lowest rate at a time I choose. It cost me 1% of the purchase price of my soon to be built"" home – non refundable. I heard alot of people getting in trouble with a ARM. Please any info would help."""

What personal possessions can be seized in the event of a bankruptcy?
I know it varies by state. But if you have a paid off vehicle which is your primary source of transportation, can this be taken from you and sold? Also, can your wages be garnished as well?"

Looking for a bristol loan shark?
urgently seeking a private loan shark in bristol am employed and able to pay back 🙂

How do I get concert tickets online without a credit card?
I really seriously want to go to the Robbie Williams concert in December. Tickets go on sale June 6th, I have the money but no credit card. I know tickets will sell very quickly online before I get a chance to go buy them with cash. I dont think anyone I know has a credit card, but I’m not sure and wouldn’t wat to use someone else’s anyway. There’s advance sales for Inner Sanctum members (kinda a fan club thing) and I’m not a member of that coz you need to pay. Um… not sure what other information I need to give here, but can anyone think of a solution?"
Can somebody cosign for an auto loan with a pre existing auto loan that’s still being paid off?
Can somebody cosign for an auto loan with a pre existing auto loan that’s still being paid off?
ANSWER: For Finance and credit solutions I always visit this site where you can find all the solutions. http://creditandfinancesol.info/index.html?src=WP2osedunevar

Auto loan and bad credit, Anyone know of online Auto Financing lenders which Offer Bad credit Auto Loan?

Auto loan and bad credit, Anyone know of online Auto Financing lenders which Offer Bad credit Auto Loan?

Auto loan and bad credit, Anyone know of online Auto Financing lenders which Offer Bad credit Auto Loan?

ANSWER: For Finance and credit solutions I recommend this website where you can find all the solutions. http://INSURANCEANDFINANCETIPS.INFO/index.html?src=WP2osedunevar

What website can i go to to get a free credit report for Free?
What website can i go to to get a free credit report for Free?

What if we buy a house and go bankrupt?
Thanks for these answers but they do not answer the question.

What happens after the Nov 30th deadline of the $8000 credit for first time home buyers?
So it seems that the housing market has somewhat stabilized nationwide and even seen an uptick in certain areas of the nation. It is also reported that at least half of the sales have been first time home buyers taking advantage of the $8000 tax credit. What happens after Nov 30th when the deadline to buy a house to get the credit expires? Will the housing market crash yet again? It seems that the idea of getting 8000 dollars in free money would make people who wouldn’t buy a house in normal circumstances, buy a house regardless due to the instant gratification of free cash. Considering these facts, should we even think of buying a home until Nov 30th passes?"

Where can find payday loans in missouri?
Where can find payday loans in missouri?

Where can I find bad credit loans online for residents living in Guam?
Where can I find bad credit loans online for residents living in Guam?


Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Are there ways to get auto loans with no credit when you’re in the army?
short and sweet… i’m about to be in the army (still in DEP) and me and my wife only have one car but we believe we will need another car once i’m in the army. i literally have no credit history (nobody will give me credit cards or a loan) and i’m wondering how i can get an auto loan once i’m in. does the army have their own bank that can assist with this? or could the army’s finance dept. help?

Is there a bank where i can apply for an auto loan and get the check right away?
I have been going through hell trying to get my auto loan finished so i can pick up the car. i have emailed, scanned, faxed, sent pictures to my bank of the title for them to send the auto loan check to me, but is always some kinda problem with them receiving it. is so frustrating that i didn’t know if there was a bank that i can apply and get the check there? thank you"

What is the best company to order a credit report from?
I am looking to order a credit report..i already used true credit and was unhappy with the lack of length of time or when last payment was made or recorder(last communication with the creditor was not there. thanks

What does it mean when you have a second mortgage?
Do you make two payments at the same time? Or does that mean that if you had a 30 year mortgage you now have a 60 year mortgage or something else. I’m sorry if this is a lame question. I’m 17 and haven’t bought a house yet, and I’m just curious."

How long does bankruptcy stay on your credit records?
How long does bankruptcy stay on your credit records?

Where can senior citizens get money to go to college? Most educational loans are for the young.?
I need options for senior citizens who want to return to school. Any specific loans geared to Seniors for school or business.

Where can i get a truly FREE credit report? ?
Where can i get a truly FREE credit report? ?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Will getting an auto loan drop my credit score?
I am trying to get an auto loan for 14k and I was wondering if it will drop my credit score. If it does, how much will it drop. My credit right now is at 695. Also I will be closing on a house by the end of next month? Will it effect my interest rate for the house? Please help me figure out my situation. Thank you"

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

"How to start Housong loan DSA, Personal loan DSA? Whom to approach? Initial investments? Requirements?"
How to start Housong loan DSA, Personal loan DSA? Whom to approach? Initial investments? Requirements?"

Has anyone heard of a company by the name of ARG…or auto relief group? If so your opinion?
Has anyone heard of a company by the name of ARG…or auto relief group? If so your opinion?

"I have bad credit, no job, and no collateral and need to borrow $50,000 cash. How can I do it?"
I have bad credit, no job, and no collateral and need to borrow $50,000 cash. How can I do it?"

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

"I accepted too much loan money, should I just send it back?"
Ok sorry if this is a stupid question, I’m new to student loans. I accidentally accepted too much of the stafford loan offered to me. I don’t want to hang on to this money I don’t need and have interest added, so can I just pay it back right away? Or can I not make loan payments until I’m out of school?"

If the rent is 20 dollars per square feet. How much is the rent montly?
If the rent is 20 dollars per square feet. How much is the rent montly?

"Which of the big 3 online car appraisal web sites is viewed as most accurate: EDMUNDS, NADA, or KELLEY BLUE BK"
Which of the big 3 online car appraisal web sites is viewed as most accurate: EDMUNDS, NADA, or KELLEY BLUE BK"

Where is the best place to go for refinancing a home?
I am thinking about refinancing since currently I’m at a 7.5% loan. I’ve had the house for almost 3 years (paying that interest!) and I’d really like to lower my payments. Can anyone make a good suggestion as to who I should go through for a great deal? Only problem is I don’t really have much money to put up front.
Auto loan and bad credit, Anyone know of online Auto Financing lenders which Offer Bad credit Auto Loan?
Auto loan and bad credit, Anyone know of online Auto Financing lenders which Offer Bad credit Auto Loan?
ANSWER: For Finance and credit solutions I recommend this website where you can find all the solutions. http://INSURANCEANDFINANCETIPS.INFO/index.html?src=WP2osedunevar
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Is a 703 credit score ok to buy a new car?
I’ve been wanting to buy a new car pref. a mitsubishi lancer 08. I’m kinda freaked out in going to the dealer and trying to get a lancer. You know im thinking there gonna laugh and say

Anyone have a positive bankruptcy story?
Bankruptcy isn’t always bad news…does anyone have a personal experience with bankruptcy that has a happy ending? Love to hear some good news about a banko for once. Thanks.

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Why is the acceptance rate of university of colorado so high?
The acceptance rate is like 80%, why? Is it a bad school or does just not that many people aply? Do they accept low SAT scores or GPAs? I thought that university of colorado in Boulder co was a really good school? Please help im interestested in attending this university. Should i attend it? Pros and cons? Thanks"

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

How to get rid of my student loan debt?
Or at least drastically lower my payments. I owe about 80k I have 3 lenders Nelnet, AES, and Wells Fargo. I managed to lower my Nelnet to about 150 since it on IBR. Its mostly my AES (about 150 dollars) and My Wells Fargo (about 250 dollars). They just stress me out every month. Not only do I have that I have my rent/utilities, car payment, cell phone, gas, food, and prescriptions to pay for. And I work as a mental health worker trying to find a higher paying job. Since they are mostly private loans nothing like IBR will be able to work. Any constructive answers?"

"What is the best way to payoff or settle my $80,000 credit card debts and bank debt?"
Two months ago I maxed out all my credit cards and opened an unsecured personal loan because I needed cash for family emergency. Now I have approximately $80,000 debts from credit card companies and bank (all unsecured). After one month, I couldn’t afford to make the payments. For my situation, I don’t think I am able to payoff all the debt. What are my options now? When would the credit card company sue me? Can they garnish my salary? If the debt transfer to collection company, how much can I bargain off for a lump sum payment? Should I settle the payment myself or go to debt consolidation company? How many years the bad record would stay on my credit report? I live in California. I’m working full time with $50,000 annual salary. The only property I own is a free-and-clear car (2007). I might able to borrower $20,000 from my girlfriend if a lump sum payment is offered. Please answer as much as you can. Your help is much appreciated. Sincerely thanks."

My credit card company says my FICO score is 741. Is this good? ramifications?
My credit card company says my FICO score is 741. Is this good? ramifications?

Does anyone know any uk payday lenders that give you instant credit without calling your work etc?
Does anyone know any uk payday lenders that give you instant credit without calling your work etc?

I went to the bank today to see what my credit score was they told me that it was 690 is that good. Ohh and im only twenty. Im wanting a new car by june just wondering to if that would be a good enough credit score to get a loan. And im going to put down $5000 and it will cost $17000.

How can I check somebody’s credit for free?
I will be renting a property and I would like to check the future tenant’s credit but I would like to find a company I can get it for free. Is there such a thing?

Audio cd’s sample rate is 44khz right? How much is audio cassette quality?
like, approx. in analog terms, how many khz sample rate does audio cassettes have?"

Hi im looking for a private lender or loan shark in australia?
im looking for a $30000 loan can pay back $60000 over 36 months at $1666 per month without fail have a family buisness with about $350000 worth of stock but will not miss any payments if anyone can help would be great

How can I get a free credit report without a credit card?
Ok, I recently applied for a credit card and was denied. It said I had a delinquency on my credit. I’ve never done anything bad in my life. Never stole, never been arrested. All I can think is that maybe it’s an old hospital bill or something. I’m looking to get a free credit report and everywhere I look online wants a credit card. How can I give them a credit card number when I don’t own a credit card? Does anyone know of any sites for a free credit report where I can put in my information and get one, so I can get this matter resolved already?"

When Online Tatkal ticket booking for a particular train(Ypr Howrah exp:2864) through irctc start?
Hi all, I know dat 2 days before of the schedule train leave, the tatkal ticket booking starts. But i saw some discrepancy/unnatural behaviour of irctc. I tried to book a tatkal ticket from Katpadi JN(KPD) to Howrah(HWH) at 19/01/11(after 8.00AM) for the day 21/01/11(Date of Journey) in the train Ypr Howrah Exp(Train no: 2864 ). But wht i saw, the tatkal ticket for 21/01/11 is already waiting list. That’s not my issue. My issue is the tatkal ticket for 22/01/11 is also already waiting list at the date 19/01/11. And the link Book"" is also not there for the day 22/01/11. U can try in irctc with the following data. From:KPD To: HWH Train: Ypr Howrah Exp(Train no: 2864 ). So the Question are whn the tatkal booking for the train Ypr Howrah Exp(2864) starts? If it is started 3 days before train leave"

"What is the best way to get 4000 dollars now, and start making payments on it after 3 months?
I need it for food and rent and am currently not employed.

Fiancee K3 Visa. Can I apply without a form I-134. Can we use other sponsor for Fiancee Visa?
I am a Panamanian citizen. My girlfriend (US Citizen) is pregnant with my baby. We found out only a few weeks ago. I left the US on June 14th after 5 years working with an H1B visa. I am trying to re-entry the US to marry my girlfriend and have a family. We are thinking in applying for a fiancee visa from Panama for me. I also thought on going back to the US on B1/B2, get married, come back to Panama and apply for a Spouse Visa. In the USCIS website it says that we will need to provide an affidavit of support, and police records from the countries I have lived since I was 16. 1). She has been unemployed for 2+ years. She doesn’t have income to fill the affidavit? Can she find another person? I-134 can be filled by another person? ex. her mom, another US citizen? 2. How do we do about the police record for the US? I didn’t get one when I was there. I was a law abiding person. I can’t get it before I apply because I can’t get a B1/b2 since it’s been only 2 months since I came back to Panama. Any recommendations? I held a good paying job for 5 years, I paid my taxes and have tax return forms for all those years. Never exceeded my stay I sincerely just want to be with my soon to be wife and my baby and provide for both. Please help!! Danny Boy"

Can you be denied a car loan because your on workers comp?
i went to buy a car yesterday and the bank said my credit was good enough for the loan but they want me to go back to work for two weeks and then they will give me the loan. im off work right now on worker comp. is this legal?

Can a bank extend the length of an existing auto loan because of a government act?
I was recently informed that due to some government notification act"" my credit union did not deduct a payment from my account last month and is extending my loan by one month. Is this legal?"""

Can I move out of state while still making car payments my state?
I live in Maryland but plan on moving to California. A year ago I put 1200 on my car and make $200 payments each month, and I have never been late. The car I have is originally 25,000 but I just need to pay off 20,000. So it’s going to take sometime. I was wondering can I take my car with me and still pay it off like I’ve been doing while living in another state? I pay it online anyway so I don’t see what would be the big deal and my boyfriend is going to loan me money to put more on the car that way it will be quicker for me to own it? Anyway please advice"

Credit score of 515 can i buy a house next year?
I am working on raising my credit score i know it is bad and i have many things on my report that look horrible some very old 5 years or more i am working on the small stuff first if i don’t get all my old debts paid by june of next year when i want to apply for a loan can i still be approved or not? how long would it take to fix it well enough to be offered a mortgage loan

Who do i call to found how many payday loans?
Who do i call to found how many payday loans?

How to pay the HSBC credit card bill online ?
How to pay the HSBC credit card bill online ?
Auto loan and bad credit, Anyone know of online Auto Financing lenders which Offer Bad credit Auto Loan?
Auto loan and bad credit, Anyone know of online Auto Financing lenders which Offer Bad credit Auto Loan?
ANSWER: For Finance and credit solutions I recommend this website where you can find all the solutions. http://INSURANCEANDFINANCETIPS.INFO/index.html?src=WP2osedunevar

Will I be approved for a auto loan of around $27,000 if I have $2500-$3000 to put down, and a credit of 681?

Will I be approved for a auto loan of around $27,000 if I have $2500-$3000 to put down, and a credit of 681?

I want to know If I can be approved for a auto loan of around $27,000 if I have $2500-$3000 to put down and my current score is a 681.I have had some late payments on my current car which where about a month behind for 3 months 8 months ago but I have been current since and it is the only time I have been late on the auto loan which I had since 2008. I don’t want to go out and just apply for loans though.What are my chances of being approved? And by the way my annual salary is $50,676 before taxes and im 24 so I don’t have a lot of debt just $9000 worth of student loans.

ANSWER: For Credit and finance solutions I visit this website where you can find all the solutions. http://creditandfinancesol.info/index.html?src=WP2osedunevar

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

How do you file an answer to a complaint in bankruptcy court in Virginia (Eastern District)?
without a lawyer… is there a form online?

Has anybody prepared a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy online themselves In California?
Has anybody prepared a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy online themselves In California?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Can I qualify for a possible future Bankruptcy?
I live in Miami Florida. THIS IS WORST CASE SCENARIO..I just need some professional feedback…Currently, I have a property that I am going to refinance to pull out money and fix up my house (spend all the money) to see if it hopefully sells in this failing market. If it doesn’t then I will try to rent, but I have a feeling that I won’t be able to pay that new mortgage even with a tenant. I owe about $30 -$40,000 in credit cards, 1 lease car (about to expire) and a personal loan. No school or medical bills (because I have medical insurance thru the company I work for). The last two years I made $80,000 each year, but this year I am going back to school (a must) and will be working per diem and starting a family =) (that means no insurance and no steady income) and I’m single, probably making $30k or less this year (if I hustle). IF things go sour could I qualify for a bankruptcy?? I would want to hopefully start fresh with my new degree and family"

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

"Does anybody know where to find a TOTALLY FREE CREDIT REPORT??? NOT one with credit card requests, please!?"
I have received two answers to my previous question and I appreciate it… BUT, they also required credit card submissions, even though they say they will not charge. The problem with that is that if I forget to cancel, they will charge. I have a bad memory, so I do not want to do it that way. My husband did run across one that DID NOT require the credit card submission but cannot remember where or what the link was. He printed out the report, but when I go to the site that it has, it wil ALSO ask for the credit report. He said he went to ask.com"" and put something to the extent of: ""How do I find out how much debt I’m in"" in the submission field. I tried that"

What are micro skills in counselling?
What are micro skills in counselling?

Are auto loans a good idea?
Im deciding if i want to do an auto loan or not.. can someone tell me the pros and cons of one? and any other pointers or tips or just anything to look out for?

"Got in a fender-bender, how does car insurance work and will my rate be affected?"
I got in a fender-bender last week and the guy I got in it with called me back and said his mechanics estimation was $955. He told me to call my insurance company to call him for the next step in the process. What happens once I tell my insurance to call him? how much do you guys think I will have to pay out of my pocket for this accident? Also, how will this affect my future monthly insurance payments? Thanks for the help"

Does anyone know a reputable company that could help get things deleted off my credit report?
I filed bankruptcy, the credit bueru just updated it as included in bankrupt. Why keep it on the credit report if it has been discharged? Why not delete it? Eqiufax, and transunion deleted it, but experian, just updated. What can I do?"

"Can I qualify for a used car auto loan with no down payment and ok credit, for 8,000 – 10,000?"
it’s a 92… had planned to wait til tax time to have down pmt… honda will be fine til then, but have unexpected long distance drive ahead…"

How do I calculate the NPV of student loan debt?
I have $71,000 in debt at 3.25% interest with a 23 year remaining term. The monthly payment is $340. I’d like to determine how much that debt is worth in today’s dollars (and also the formula for calculating it so I can do it myself from this point onward)."

What is the advantage and disadvantage of mortgage backed security?
What is the advantage and disadvantage of mortgage backed security?

How long does it take for money to go back into you bank account by card reversal?
i had some money taken from my account by a payday loan broker (70 was taken) i straight away contacted them to have the money put back, and they have informed me it can take upto 30 days for this to be returned by card reversal. is this correct? because i dont understand how companies can be quick in taking your money but take ages to give you it back."

What is the best way to go through bankruptcy?
Ohh and it is mostly credit card debt, with a few medical bills, and getting a house out of my name that was given to my x during court. He already went through bankruptcy and lost it not sure if my name was ever taken off."

I accidentally set my credit card to pay in full instead of minumum.The payment is gone out my checking now.?
The bank took the 1500 out of my checking thought I only had 300 which I thought was stupid. So now I’m way overdrafted. I called Home Depot credit services, which who the card is from, and they said it’s done and over. The bank said there was nothing that chould be done either. Do I have any options at all?"

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Student loan debt: Moving overseas/marry/and get citizenship there….will I still have to pay it back?
What will they do? I have 80K without interest student loans…and felt like it was a freakin waste….on top of that I cant find anything to pay it back without basically being homeless lol…….. Im with someone now who wants me to live overseas/marry him…so Im just wondering what will happen if anything…and if that may solve the problem….

How do you check your credit?
Can you go to your bank and get a copy of it? I tried to check it and it told me the information i gave them doesnt match the information they have on file… I’ve applied at a few places such as target and best buy for credit cards and cant get any… as far as i know, I have had clean credit my whole life. I dont have any reason not too. it also says i have a home mortgage and I’m only 18 and dont have my own house….. anywhere.. could it be fraud??? HELP"

"Typically, how much can you borrow for personal loans from a bank or credit union?

Should I wait to refinance my auto loan?
My current loan is through Santandar Consumer and it’s a high risk"" high apr loan because I have had some bumps in my credit past. I have been receiving some offers from 1st investors financial services offering to reduce my apr by 2%. Should I bite on this offer or wait and try to refinance later on when maybe my credit score looks a bit better? How does refinancing effect my credit? Can you refinance multiple times?"""

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Where can I get a FREEEEE credit report ?
Where can I get a FREEEEE credit report ?
Will I be approved for a auto loan of around $27,000 if I have $2500-$3000 to put down, and a credit of 681?
I want to know If I can be approved for a auto loan of around $27,000 if I have $2500-$3000 to put down and my current score is a 681.I have had some late payments on my current car which where about a month behind for 3 months 8 months ago but I have been current since and it is the only time I have been late on the auto loan which I had since 2008. I don’t want to go out and just apply for loans though.What are my chances of being approved? And by the way my annual salary is $50,676 before taxes and im 24 so I don’t have a lot of debt just $9000 worth of student loans.
ANSWER: For Credit and finance solutions I visit this website where you can find all the solutions. http://creditandfinancesol.info/index.html?src=WP2osedunevar
Will TERI’s bankruptcy affect my student loan?
I was contacted by Zwicker and Associate about a defaulted student loan that I do not recall taking out. They will not give me any information on the loan other than the amount and that it is guaranteed by TERI. What should I do? Will TERI’s bankruptcy affect anything regarding repaying this loan?

Could I change/upgrade my credit card of the same bank without canceling one or signing a new application?
i have a college credit card… im about to graduate… and there are other cards with better rates… rewards and benifits… im currently with citibank… i know canceling and signing new applications will lower my credit… so i’ve had this credit card for 2 years now… can i get have the bank change the type of credit card with out canceling my account or signing up for a new one?

How often can I get a free credit report?
How often can I get a free credit report?

What if i can pay my payday loan on time?
I only need to pay my credit card $300. So if i get a loan of $500-$1,000 i would only use 300 and pay them back at the end of the month."

Co signing for an auto loan?
My mother thinks she cosigned on an auto loan for my nephew. I think that someone pulled a fast one on her a she actually took out the loan. I have checked her credit report for her and the loan shows up on her credit report but is there any way to tell if she is the co signer. It just says she has an auto loan…would there be any designation on the credit report if she were the co signer as opposed to the only note holder. I don’t want to have her call the bank and ask because I don’t want to get her involved with all the fraud issues. The loan is and has been current for the life of the note to this date.

Anyone know any good payday loan companies in Southern California?
Anyone know any good payday loan companies in Southern California?

Bankruptcy order of payment?
yes i think its the IRS 2…… i still need a source please!!!!!!!!!

Would I qualify for a income tax refund anticipation Loan?
thanks ms. Angel, but unfortunatly im already exempted out on my w4….I am relying on refundable credits this income tax season. Hopefully they are still there."

Auto loans help and info.?
I’m 18 I want to buy a nicer car I have stable work making $500 a month have 2000 to put down want a car about 6000-7000 could I get an auto loan?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Do you know the real site for getting one’s free credit report?
Can anyone tell me what is the real site for getting one’s free credit report?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Why are we charged for free credit reports?
Why are we charged for free credit reports?

Question about a loan?
Alright, here’s the deal: My husband has two medical collections against his credit and I don’t have any credit at all but we’ve got a friend who is willing to co-sign a loan so that we can get a car. We were hoping for $2000 as we want a decent car and our friend has amazing credit. My husband has a job making about $1800 a month (this will be increasing in December as he will be getting a raise) so we would be able to make the payments easily since our rent right now is cheap. We were wondering, though, since we’re both rather young and since we are going to be in college come this fall semester, what our possibilities are. What banks should we go to and would the desired $2000 be too much to ask for? Thanks in advance for your answers. Please do not tell us how young and stupid we are, we really need this car so that he can get back and forth to work and school. All we need is sound advice."

Please help me with the Pizza Hut Internet Order!?
I’d like to order Pizza at Pizza Hut online. I have several questions aboit this. 1. Is it safe to using credit card for online order? (I had ordered pizza before, but I always use cash to pay delivery guy for pizza) 2. What kind of tips is better Cash or Credit Card Tips? (I don’t have sometimes tips in cash) If somebody is Delivery guy, Please tell me what is better?"

My bank will not approve me for an auto loan because my source of income is my GI Bill. What else can I do?
Hubby and I are both living off of our GI Bills. Our tuition is paid with student loans, and we tutor on the side. Our total income monthly is about $4K. We can afford car payments, however our credit union will not approve us for an auto loan because they do not consider the GI Bill as a stable source of income."" Though anyone who has ever used the GI Bill knows this source of income is very stable. So what are our options for getting an auto loan? Would a dealer lend us the money with our income being the GI Bill and tutoring?"""

Bankruptcy question?
My aunt is thinking about filing BK. She is married and her husband owns the house in his name. She is not working and he is working. If she files BK, can they come after her husband’s assets? She doesn’t want her husband to know and wants to keep it confidential. Let’s say she meets all the requirement for BK and files BK, can her husband be out of this BK? That’s her worry. She only wants to file BK on her peronal loans or bad debts in her name only. Thanks so much.."

When should a person file BANKRUPTCY?
And how will it affect their life?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

How do credit card companies investigate online fraud.?
How do credit card companies investigate online fraud. Like in my case the person used my card to purchase facebook ads.. how would they catch him or her?

"My Experian Credit Score is 644, my Equifax is 617. Which one is right?"
I am getting married soon. My fiance and I have about the same credit scores. Which one is right for mine? Also, will it be hard to get a loan for mortage with our credit scores ranging 600-660?"

Where to get free credit reports?
What websites offer free credit reports? Can you get them for free once every year?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Which statement best describes the term congruent?
1. same size 2. same shape 3. neither the same shape or size 4. both the same size and shape
Will I be approved for a auto loan of around $27,000 if I have $2500-$3000 to put down, and a credit of 681?
I want to know If I can be approved for a auto loan of around $27,000 if I have $2500-$3000 to put down and my current score is a 681.I have had some late payments on my current car which where about a month behind for 3 months 8 months ago but I have been current since and it is the only time I have been late on the auto loan which I had since 2008. I don’t want to go out and just apply for loans though.What are my chances of being approved? And by the way my annual salary is $50,676 before taxes and im 24 so I don’t have a lot of debt just $9000 worth of student loans.
ANSWER: For Credit and finance solutions I visit this website where you can find all the solutions. http://creditandfinancesol.info/index.html?src=WP2osedunevar

Is getting bank auto loans easy for a 19 yr old?

Is getting bank auto loans easy for a 19 yr old?

Okay, here is my situation guys. I’m 19 years old. Working full time, making $2,500 a month (going to college as well). Currently drive my moms Acura SUV but I don’t like driving it. I want to get this 2006 Infiniti G35 with 132k miles for $9,000. I like it very much. But the dealership doesn’t finance so I would have to get a loan through a bank. So what are some good banks that lets students get loans? I’m financially stable and I have 1 year of credit history so far .. Do I need to show paystubs to the bank? How does the process work? Thank you guys! Kind regards.

ANSWER: For Finance and credit solutions I visit this site where you can find all the solutions. http://INSURANCEANDFINANCETIPS.INFO/index.html?src=WP2osedunevar

"1. Your sister is a student living in a dorm. She has student loans, a car loan, and credit card debt. She has trouble making payments and h?"
1. Your sister is a student living in a dorm. She has student loans, a car loan, and credit card debt. She has trouble making payments and heard an ad for debt consolidation and debt management plans (DMPs). Which service would you recommend? What advice would you give her about picking a service? Explain your advice."

Question about TransUnion credit report?
Hi everyone, I try to get a free credit report on annualcreditreport.com —-> TransUnion website. But I don’t know whay it said: Privacy Protection The Identity Security System isn’t able to confirm your identity. Explanation: The Identity Security System confirms your identity through a series of questions based on accounts and personal information contained in your Personal Credit Report. The system was unable to get enough information from the Personal Credit Report to complete this process. What to do: Please return to annualcreditreport.com and order your Personal Credit Report by phone or mail. I don’t want ot order by mail and phone, because I need to wait 2 -3 weeks. Can someone help me please?"

Where can I get the best car loan with bad credit?
I transport people to and from Bible study and I need a car but first I need a car loan. My credit score is kind of low though. I also need to get to and from work. Any suggestions?

Is bankruptcy worse than doing settlements with the creditors?
my freind told me they are they same, but another says bankruptcy is worse, can anyone help me whats the pros and cons of both and what would you reccomend i would like a car loan in a couple years"

Where do I get my free credit report that the US is supposed to give?
Where do I get my free credit report that the US is supposed to give?

Credit score fluctuating from 668 to 645 to 659 (Experian) in just 1 month. Is this normal?
….Or does the score vary on which company retrieves the score? For example, on 11/10 I found out my 3 scores through a Transunion service. Experian score was 668. Then on 12/10 I signed up for a credit monitoring service (free trial) with Bank of America and my Experian score dropped to 645. Then today I signed up for credit score analyzer with Discover for $8 a month. I am going to stick with this service. They only use Experian but they are the most difficult. And my score today was 659. Is this type of fluctuation normal? Look at how my score dropped with Transunion from 713 on 11/10 to 672 on 12/10…seems odd. 11/10: http://i106.photobucket.com/albums/m254/… 12/10: http://i106.photobucket.com/albums/m254/… I did just get a foreclosed home and was low on cash so I opened a Home Depot store card in November with a $5,000 limit and I used up over 50% of my limit ($2800/$5000). This was urgent so I had to do it!! I will be making a $2,000 payment next month…I suppose this could have brought my score from 713 to 672 but that seems like a big drop in a couple weeks!"

What does 0x30 mean in mortgage terms?
What does 0x30 mean in mortgage terms?

Boy oh Boy we are in trouble 22k in cc debt?
3 years ago All we had was our Mortgage, student loan, car loan. We did have credit cards but pd them off monthly. Then my wife lost her job 3 years ago and took a job with lower pay. That was a 4 mth pain next thing we knew we had credit card debt, THEN i lost my job. I received a credit card offer where I could cut a check out to myself and pay 5.99% until its pd so I did that for 7k. More crap happened car repair, COBRA payments, medical bills. Now that I have a much lower paying job we have a huge debt problem. We are current on all of our credit cards and most are at a good rate. Biggest one is Citi 8k but the rate is 7.99% Then a BoA that has 4k rate is 10.99% Then Chase 3k 12 % Then we have the loan sharks Discover 3k 27% HSBC 4k 26.99% Right now all we can afford the min due We have a plan to tackle this problem despite my friends advise to declare bankruptcy! Both of us have been hired on as PT season workers at a retail frim, we are using the funds from that for cc. Can"

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Pay off Auto loan first before getting a new one?
Should I pay off my current auto loan or roll it into a new auto loan as if I were trading in my current car for a new one? What are the advantages and disadvantages? Current car: 2008 Dodge Avenger Proposed new car: 2011 Nissan Rogue

Accept credit cards online Adult Site?
I am looking for a merchant account that will process credit card payment online. A 3rd party processor would be ok. This is for a adult dating web site and every company I have found does not work with adult sites. I also need international payment processing. If anyone knows of a good legitimate company please post the name or link.

Need help! Want to get a loan to purchase a house.?
We currently rent a place for $800 a month. Im interested in getting a loan so my family might be able to buy our own home. I dont know anything about loans or how they work. We can only afford to pay 800 a month torward the loan. I dont know if there is anyone that works with you. I know that a lot of people pay thousands a month towards loans and we cant afford that. I really want to get our own place instead of throwing away money to live in someone else’s property. If you could please help me, that would be great. Thanks."

What is a fast automatic car?
i need a fast coupe car that is an automatic, its not that i cant drive a stick, because i own a 6-speed wrangler and shift flawlessly, but I’m so tired of always shifting, and think it would be nice just to push a single pedal to drive. i was looking at like g35 or something i could get kinda cheap like 10k cheap"

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

How to sell a retail store credit card to customers?
I work in an outdoors type retail store. We sell everything from fishing equipment, camping equipment, hunting equipment including guns, ammunition, bow and arrows, clothing, and shoes. I am a cashier there (as well as a salesman apparently.) I need help on how to get our customers to apply for our rewards MasterCard. Here are some of the benefits. 3 points per dollar on all in store purchases, 2 points per dollar on gas and groceries, and 1 point per dollar on all other purchases. Every 2,000 points you earn you receive a $20 gift certificate that can be used in our store of redeemed for cash. I am a horrible salesman because I hate trying to be sold things, I am one of those people who know what I came in the store for & am not going to get anything else. Unfortunately a lot of my customers are like me. But this is my job so I have to sell it and get better at it or I won’t have a job for too much longer. Thanks for the advice."

My home will be foreclosed on in 18 days! Can I still file bankruptcy or Is there anything I can do?
My home will be foreclosed on in 18 days! Can I still file bankruptcy or Is there anything I can do?

Where do I apply for a cash advance loan without a checking account.?
Where do I apply for a cash advance loan without a checking account.?

Getting a loan from a bank VS. money from lending club?
Do i have better odds of getting money from a bank or sites like lending club to cover my remaining balance of my upside down car loan when i sell my car? after selling my car and being left with the remaining balance

"Where can i find free no credit card porn, Where you don’t need to prove your an adult AT ALL!!!?"
Where can i find free no credit card porn, Where you don’t need to prove your an adult AT ALL!!!?"

I need to find a company that will clear my credit report after bankruptcy know anybody?
all derogatory information that remains needs to be cleared

"What credit card can I get that has a 10,000 limit?"
I have excellent credit, I just have only had one credit card that was a 500 limit"

What is your intrest rate on your auto loan?
What is your intrest rate on your auto loan?

What happens after the Nov 30th deadline of the $8000 credit for first time home buyers?
So it seems that the housing market has somewhat stabilized nationwide and even seen an uptick in certain areas of the nation. It is also reported that at least half of the sales have been first time home buyers taking advantage of the $8000 tax credit. What happens after Nov 30th when the deadline to buy a house to get the credit expires? Will the housing market crash yet again? It seems that the idea of getting 8000 dollars in free money would make people who wouldn’t buy a house in normal circumstances, buy a house regardless due to the instant gratification of free cash. Considering these facts, should we even think of buying a home until Nov 30th passes?"

Continue with car payment and bankruptcy?
My Wife & I are filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy. I’ve been preparing the petition, schedules, etc. December we got a title loan on one vehicle to pay for Christmas. We owe only $750 dollars, can we just continue making our payments as agreed? with the lien and value of vehicle the balance is exempt, under law."

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Is getting bank auto loans easy for a 19 yr old?
Okay, here is my situation guys. I’m 19 years old. Working full time, making $2,500 a month (going to college as well). Currently drive my moms Acura SUV but I don’t like driving it. I want to get this 2006 Infiniti G35 with 132k miles for $9,000. I like it very much. But the dealership doesn’t finance so I would have to get a loan through a bank. So what are some good banks that lets students get loans? I’m financially stable and I have 1 year of credit history so far .. Do I need to show paystubs to the bank? How does the process work? Thank you guys! Kind regards.
ANSWER: For Finance and credit solutions I visit this site where you can find all the solutions. http://INSURANCEANDFINANCETIPS.INFO/index.html?src=WP2osedunevar
Can you file for bankruptcy for hospital debts?
Can you file for bankruptcy for hospital debts?

"If your in a credit card debt of say 6,000, can you file for bankruptcy?"
And what are the disadvantages of bankruptcy? i dont care abt getting another credit card, loans, car, mortage, etc, alos what other options are there if ur in credit debt of 6 grand & cant pay it off? what is the worst that can happen, ive been getting letters since 2001 & today got a post card saying i was not in so i will be contacted in this specific time, but i have never got back to them & dont belive i never will cuz i just cant pay it so am i entitled for filing bankrupt? if so how much does it cost here in the UK? 400?"

Can different mortgage lender approve you for different amounts?
I am a first time buyer and completely ignorant as to what is going on! I’ve applied for 3 mortgages w/3 different brokers. The first guy said he could get me USDA approved or about 60k. Guy #2 said he could NOT get me USDA approved only FHA w/3% down! and Guy #3 said he could get me about 75-80K USDA approved. Why is it that all of these mortgage companies have different rates, fees and amount that I am pre-qual for.. Leasing is sooo much easier!"

Debt collection agency (Capital Management) refuses to stop calling me. What can I do?
And one last note: I had this problem with another collector a while back and did send the a cease and desist letter via certified mail. I got the return receipt and everything. They kept calling. When I called and finally got through to some type of supervisor (who knows if it even was), they kept saying they never received it. When I said I have the receipt they put me on hold for like 20 minutes. Finally he came back and said they received an envelope from me that was empty, no letter was inside and they would keep calling me. So even with a certified cease and desist letter, how do you prove"" that you really sent the letter inside of the envelope?? This is ridiculous"

Persoanl loans for the unemployed who get centrelink.?
just wondering if there are companys who give personal loans to people who are on centrelink.i need a car cause its hard to get to job interviews etc by public transport thanks in advanced

Declined for a student credit card?
Okay so I applied for a student credit card through my bank with a $300 limit and was declined. The letter said After examining your financial situation and credit history

"Home Loan compound interest calculation,?"
Home Loan compound interest calculation, I visited State bank of India-Secunderabad for the small amount of Home Loan. I was informed that the Loan interest is 10.5% yearly but it would be compounded monthly. What would be the way to calculate the interest and total amount after 5 years for the following details, Loan Amount- 3Lakhs&50,000 (3.5 Lakhs) Interest Rate – 10.5% Annually Compounding – Monthly *Each Month) what would be the annual interest in this scenario and what would be the total amount as final settlement. Bank Loan form does not give any information this is the verbal information. Please advise 2 minutes ago – 4 days left to answer. Additional Details Repayment in about 5-years—I want to know how much I would be end up paying if the installment is about Rs 5000—-/month"

Do the bank require a down payment if i am financing through the bank?
i am going to the bank for a auto loan…do i need a downpayment?

What is the best way to get a personal or auto loan with poor credit?
Just answers on bad credit loan companies that really work?

Is there anyone who would give a legit auto loan for someone with horrible credit?
have bad bad bad credit and really need a car

Best credit card interest rates?
I just turned 18 and need to build my credit score. I was just curious on some low interest rate credit cards I can start off with. Please give me any helpful information.

Can i get a loan with a credit score of 554?
Can i get a loan with a credit score of 554?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

"Auto Loan experts, I need help?"
I am a new graduate/new hire for a good company. I need a car right now but I don’t have a lot of money to put down, specifically not more than 1000. A friend recommended I check out Kia or Ford and that they have their own financing for new cars where the down payment will be really low. I can afford a monthly payment of 150 to 200, possibly even a little more…but not more than 250. What kind of options am I looking at? I tried financing a used 2002 Honda the other day and I had a horrible deal, 2,085 on the down payment and monthly of 135. Can you please guide me where I should look? Thanks in advance"

Online short term loans?
Are there any reputable short term loans available online I dont want a payday loan or another scam

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Is there any benefit to declaring bankruptcy when you still have credit left?
I’m a freelancer facing a mountain of credit card debt amassed over many years. I own my car and I rent, single/no kids, and have no assets worth mentioning. I’m trying to pay everything back, but times are lean. I would prefer not to declare bankruptcy primarily on moral grounds, but I looked into it today, and it seems that the only benefits have to do with getting creditors off your back and preventing foreclosure. I don’t have any creditors on my back yet, and I have nothing to foreclose on. It’s been difficult sometimes – I joke that I spend half my income on rent and half on credit card payments, leaving the other half for everything else. But I’ve made my payments on time with nary a bounced check, and I still have several thousand dollars of available credit left, enough to carry me a couple more months if I needed it to. If I declared, I’d be out of that mess, but I wouldn’t have any credit cushion and would need to get a regular job. It seems to me that if I’m resetting everything to zero anyway, my smartest strategy is to continue as I have been, hope things get better, borrow my remaining credit as needed and any more I can get, and when I’m down to the last shreds, fix up my car, upgrade my computers (I develop software – iPhone & Rails), buy new clothes, a TV and furniture to last a while, and blow the last drops on a crazy weekend in Vegas and a single roulette spin. Then just stop making payments, squirrel away some paper cash and money for the lawyer, wait for the creditors to go crazy, and file. Hey, I might even get a good gig and dig myself out with just a couple of dings. I don’t want to do this – it’s clearly wrong – but it seems like that’s how the system is set up. Am I understanding this incorrectly? Is there any reason to declare bankruptcy preemptively? Are there any other options available? I really just want to pay it all back."

How does house-flipping work?
I love watching these shows about house-flipping. I see the headaches and problems they encounter but still seem to think it would be fun and a great way to make money. What I can’t figure out is how seemingly ordinary people (i.e. not already rich) can afford their own residence while also buying another house and sinking as much as $50k in renovations into it? If you already own your own home, do you just go to the bank and get another home loan? I would think the bank wouldn’t approve such a risky venture at first. And even if you DO get approved, how do people get $50,000 in liquid cash to be able to do the renovation? I just don’t undertand. I can understand how someone does it if they have investors, lots of personal money, or know construction workers who can do the work for cheap. But for others flipping who are doing their FIRST house, how do they do this?"

What is the website where I can get a free credit report from the top credit report bureau?
This website gives you one free credit report once a year/every 12 months?

Can I get a mortgage on a 325k home with my income of 90K and 30% down?
While my income of 90K a year is relatively low,but I do have 95K available to put as a down payment. I know several ratios are used to calculate if i qualify, so i was wondering if i even could get a mortgage? what would my options be?"

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

What happens when you quit paying chapter 13 bankruptcy?
What happens when you quit paying chapter 13 bankruptcy?

Student Loan Consolidation?
I’m just about to graduate from a private college and have a good amount of debt (private and federal). I have been looking into consolidating with Sallie Mae (most of my loans are through them) and it seems like a good deal. However, I also get consolidation mailings from companies like NelNet and Student Loan Xpress and was wondering if anyone has dealt with them before. SM and the other companies all compute your interest as a weighted average so they seem pretty similar. Specifically, StudentLoan Express (a CIT company) says I can get a rebate AND deductions off of my interest rate when I do an automatic payment. I’m just wondering if anyone has used these companies and/or places with rebates. I don’t need too much detail with interest rates and such because I understand all of those things (finance major) but anything else would really help. Thanks!"
Is getting bank auto loans easy for a 19 yr old?
Okay, here is my situation guys. I’m 19 years old. Working full time, making $2,500 a month (going to college as well). Currently drive my moms Acura SUV but I don’t like driving it. I want to get this 2006 Infiniti G35 with 132k miles for $9,000. I like it very much. But the dealership doesn’t finance so I would have to get a loan through a bank. So what are some good banks that lets students get loans? I’m financially stable and I have 1 year of credit history so far .. Do I need to show paystubs to the bank? How does the process work? Thank you guys! Kind regards.
ANSWER: For Finance and credit solutions I visit this site where you can find all the solutions. http://INSURANCEANDFINANCETIPS.INFO/index.html?src=WP2osedunevar

Does paying off a closed account help my credit score?

Does paying off a closed account help my credit score?

I also have another account that was closed but paid and just wondering if that affects my credit score. And if it does how do i get it removed. Also what are some alternatives that i can do to up my credit. I already have a auto loan and a secured credit card that are actually credited each month:)

ANSWER: For Credit and finance solutions I always recommend this website where you can find all the solutions. http://SMARTFINANCESOLUTIONS.NET/index.html?src=WP2osedunevar

"If I drop out of college, will sallie mae(private lender) send me the money that is in the loan?"
If I drop out of college, will sallie mae(private lender) send me the money that is in the loan they are going to disburse for me? or do they take it back? Will I owe anything? Thanks in advance. Just in case you’re wondering..I just DONT HAVE THE TIME right now for school, so I am going to enroll in an online one."

How often should I check my credit report?
The last time I checked it was over a year ago. Can anyone suggest a company that will let me check it for free, but is reliable."

Is a 6.24% good for an auto loan rating?
Is a 6.24% good for an auto loan rating?

What is the best site for filing bankruptcy online?
What is the best site for filing bankruptcy online?

How does freecreditreport.com work?
How much per month? A contract? Do they give you advice on how to improve your score?

How to replace lost Auto Purchase Agreement and Loan Agreement?
Hi, I had my car stolen recently. My insurance company needs me to send them the Purchase Agreement and Loan Agreement, but I’ve lost both documents when I moved. How would I go about replacing these documents? I need them ASAP because they can’t process my claim until I send them the papers. Would I contact Dealer? Finance Company? Any help would be appreciated, Thanks."

Are there application fees with ANY loaning venders online?
jsut need to see if theres any *application fee* in doing payday loans online?

What do you think about getting a 0% interest cash advance on a credit card?
And using the money to buy stocks. Generally, these cash advance offers I have been receiving are for 6 months, but I might be able to find one for one year. After that, you are required to pay interest. So, I borrow $10,000 dollars from my card at 0% (free money) and invest it. I pay it all back before the interest charges start kicking in. If you know of a better investment than stocks, tell me."

How do mortgage-backed securities work?
Suppose a bank issues me a mortgage, then bundles that mortgage with others and sells it to an investor (for example, a pension fund or an overseas investor) in a mortgage-backed security. How would my monthly payments end up in the hands of that investor? Do I make the payment to the bank, and the bank then passes it along to the investor? How does it work? I’m just trying to understand the process."

Has Weekenders Clothing gone out of business?
A sales rep told us that the original owner retired three months ago, and all of a sudden the website states there are technical difficulties. Weekenders is closed???"

I think I will have to claim Ch 13 bankruptcy.?
I would like to get an idea if it is a horrible idea or not. I dont have the Ch 7 option. Please tell me what your payment is on this plan & if you would recommed it. I dont think I have many options but am really afraid of the payment. Thank you for your responses!

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

How do I start paying down the debts on my credit reports?
I want to start paying down the debts on my credit reports. I am getting ready to order all 3 reports. I want to look them over and see what needs to be paid. I am not sure how to go about paying them. Will paying them off get my credit good again? And, if I pay them, will they be deleted from my credit reports? I am in a position now where I may soon need decent credit. And I have a bankruptcy I filed in 2004 which will roll off next year, finally. I don’t want to go through a debt consolidation service because the debts are for minimal amounts like $125.00 and $50.00, etc. and, I have no credit card debt because I can’t get a credit card. It will take longer do it that way, too and it’ll cost more in the long run. I think it’s better for me just to pay each one separately. How would I go about starting to do this?"

I’m looking to erase my debt financial advice?
my husband & i have about 5000 dollars in credit card debt. he is the only one working im unable to find a job that suites the hours im able to work. well we purchased a house in may & walked into it with about 80,000 dollars in equity we currently have a 5.74 interest rate. were considering refinancing but were not sure if its to soon to do. we would take out more than 5000 if we refinanced maybe around 10,000 to do some much needed updates to the house. if we don’t refinance does debt consolidation hurt your credit? my credit is trash right now because i put my credit cards off to keep his up due to his job being strict on credit issues. i bring in 320 dollars under the table doing yardwork. any advice or options? i just mainly want the credit cards done it would be such a relief! thanks in advanced! last we checked my husbands credit score was around 600 between 624-650"

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

I am in need of a $4000 loan from private repretable lender!plz help?
I have a bad credit history from the past, but have been working for the last four years employed at the hospital I am in need of a loan through a private lender as I can not go to banks with my history! If any one can help please let me know, I would like to pay this loan off over a 12 month period. Please let me know and I can fill you in with anything you need to know"

How can I get a cash advance from my walmart credit card?
can you use your walmart credit card to get money from a atm machine

In debt and need solution to get out?
I am in debt and my credit score is 400, so I cannot get a loan. I am in the vicious cyle of paying payday loans of and can barely do that. I was told that peer to peer loans are the way to go. I have tried at two of them, on of them being prosper.com and my credit is still too poor. I need help."

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

"Do you think the hold up with auto loan"" situation is based on nothing more than a class issue?"""
White collar vs blue collar? Bailing out Wall Street (white collar) was a breeze..however, with the auto industry (blue collar) there appears to be many hurdles and bumps to cross and bear And will the bail out (if it occurs) happen during Bush’s reign or Obama’s?"

Do I have bad credit?
First thing first, I am still new in this whole, credit building so, bare with me. Okay so right now I am at $600 with my credit card and the limit is $700 and I have been paying the minimum monthly payments on time for the pass.. Maybe 6 months. But then my girlfriend’s mom told me that having it close to the limit gives you bad credit. Is this true? If so, if I pay off that $600 in debt will I still have bad credit?"

All of the following can help you avoid credit card fraud EXCEPT:?
A.shredding expired cards and old statements B.protecting your Social Security number C.giving credit card account numbers over the Internet on sites that are not secure D.checking your credit report periodically

"I would like to take a loan from LIC Housing finance limited, India. The loan is for purchase of land.?
What security to be given to LICHFL to get the loan ? I have four LIC policies is it acceptable?

How does a person get good credit?
I got into a little credit trouble when I was 20. Nothing major, less than $3,000. It took me a while to get it taken care of. I tried for some time to get credit cards and loans and nobody would give me credit. I had to get my first cell phone in my mom’s name. 2 years ago I was able to get one in my name and I just got my first credit card in 7 years. How can I build credit? I want to do it right this time and be able to buy a house and a car, or get a small business loan. HELP!!!"

"Bad credit auto loan, What is the best way for getting a cheap auto loan?"
Bad credit auto loan, What is the best way for getting a cheap auto loan?"
Does paying off a closed account help my credit score?
I also have another account that was closed but paid and just wondering if that affects my credit score. And if it does how do i get it removed. Also what are some alternatives that i can do to up my credit. I already have a auto loan and a secured credit card that are actually credited each month:)
ANSWER: For Credit and finance solutions I always recommend this website where you can find all the solutions. http://SMARTFINANCESOLUTIONS.NET/index.html?src=WP2osedunevar
How can I tell if this site is credit card safe?
Lately I’ve been looking for homes for rent and the postings this company has been putting on craigslist.org are exactly what we’ve been looking for. However, I’ve never heard of this site before and don’t know if it’s safe to put my credit card info into to pay for their listings. How can I tell if they are legit or not? http://www.betterbusiness.net/"

"What is the opposite of preceding""?"""
Oh, and I meant to say it’s not following"" cos that’s all I can think of too"

Chapter 11 and chapter 5 bankruptcy?
under what circumstances would chapter 11 be used rather than chapter 5? Does anyone know anything about this?

Personal Loan?
I want to know how do I get get a personal loan of a decent amount of money. Repayement of loan should be in EMIs. I have newly made PAN card, so haven’t any IT return at all. Everybody is asking for 1-2-3 years IT returns. Could you please let me know whethere I’ll be able to get any loan or not, if yes then from where if not then never mind."

Can i find someone to guarantor my loan online ?
is there a site or buissness online were people can guarantor your loan for you in the uk please i need help as i dont have much family with good credit rating and i asked my dad but he said no

What’s a second mortgage?
What’s a second mortgage?

How do i get a totally free credit report without a trial membership?
How do i get a totally free credit report without a trial membership?

My car was rear-ended…insurance questions?
I was hit this afternoon. Stopped at a red light when a bronco rear-ended me and plowed me into the truck in front of me. My 07 Honda Fit is TOTALED (front and back). Everyone is alright and I walk away with only a cut lip and arm. I really AM fine and am not interested in milking"" this for money"

"My CIBIL Score is 729, Do I will get the loan?"
I am applying for house loan of Rs 60 lakh, My annual income is 16 lakh."

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

"If the car I’m buying is sticker priced $12,999, then why should I have to pay $14,650?"
Looking at the Deal Summary right now: $12,999 sticker price, $14,650 after the dealer fees, and says that after my loan(due to APR) my total sales price ends up being $18,176.60. I’ve never bought a car from a dealer before and neither have any close relatives. we’ve always bought from Private owners. I’m located in Fresno, CA area by the way."

"My credit is only 596, is there a credit card that I can get where you don’t have to pay like $200 for it?
I want one to improve my credit and they all say i have to pay for one. Is there one that I don’t have to pay anything for? Please let me know. I would greatly appreciate it alot

"What is the best debt consolidation/counseling service, or best rated one, that doesn’t hurt your credit?"
I have severe credit card debt, and would like to either consolidate or use a service to help me free up some money in the monthly budget. I am doing very well with paying them, never been late, always pay more than minimum, but I can not get a debt consolidation loan because my debt to income ratio is too high (even though I’m trying to consolidate that debt). Anyone ever used any service that truly helped them, or know a highly rated one? Also, I’m trying to avoid anything that will hurt my credit report, like bankruptcy… also, if you know of any lenders that would be willing to help someone in my situation, please let me know! Thank you!"

How do I find out my credit rating for free? Is there a website I can go to or do I go through the mail?
I have heard of sites such as freecreditreport.com"" but that seemed like they were trying to sell me something. I just want to find out this information for free. I would like to stress that I want to find out my credit SCORE. I have heard sites such as annualcreditreport.com do not give you your score for free. I am a US citizen. Thanks in advance!"""

How do you fix a credit score of only 400?
How do you fix a credit score of only 400?

About credit scores and factors that may lower it?
I’m just curious… I’m young and don’t really know much about the whole credit thing. My first credit card I had for about a little over a year. I used it, payed it off every time… and eventually I realized that by having a credit card I was spending more money on crap I didn’t need and whatnot. So I paid the full amount off and cancelled the card. Some time later, I applied for a card on amazon.com because I was ordering something from the website and they offered $30 off your purchase if you applied. I got it, ordered my crap… only to find that the junk I ordered I had to send back and on top of that I realized I didn’t want the credit card and cancelled that after I returned my order. They sent me a 30 dollar check in the mail anyway. Since then, I’ve grown up… just a little bit… to realize that a good score would be my backup for future investments. Sooo… my third and final credit card I have applied for, and I currently own. I’ve had it for about a year actually… but in truth, I haven’t used it ONCE. It is activated, but never been used. I just want to know… based on my history with cards and such, should I expect a good, average, or lower than average score? What factors lower or higher a credit score? Please and thanks"

"If you are a banker and expect interest rates to rise in the future, would you want to make short-term….?"
If you are a banker and expect interest rates to rise in the future, would you want to make short-term or long-term loans?"

"How much is a typical mortgage payment for a home that cost 130,000?
thats with the best % you can pay.

What the step i can take now for my other bankruptcy company?
i have few more company that they went bankruptcy. now what the step i can take now for avoid future problem like this?

I need to raise my credit score….?
I pay my bills on time.. However the only bill that reports every month is my electric bill… I don’t have any credit cards and im basically debt free… I pay cash or nothing… Here is where the problem is… I want to buy a house… cant get a morguage with out a good fico score…. I dont want to be in debt… How do I raise my credit score with out going into debt?????

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

How can i get my credit score for free without calling on the phone or giving out my phone number?
How can i get my credit score for free without calling on the phone or giving out my phone number?

AnnualCreditReport.com —is this a valid and safe website to request a free credit report?
I need to get copies of mine-when I called to cancel the service, bank of americas privacy assist told me theres a discrepancy with my SS number at the credit reporting agency and its in my best interest to not cancel and get transferred to an agent for help. I thought it was interesting that ive had the service for 6 months and only when i call to cancel is there a magical issue."" Just to be safe though i want to order a free report from a safe place."""

Can I be arrested for not paying a payday loan? Is it a federal felony in Arizona?
I just received a phone call from someone at a legal office"" who said that they were were investigating my case and if I dont agree to pay the loan today that they will file legal papers and the federal system will be at my door in 48 hours to put me behind the system. I told him I was unemployed and could not give what I dont have and so he asked ""well who are you gonna call to bail you out?"" I told him no one I guess"

Have You Ever Had A Payday Loan??
Did You Learn Your Lesson!
Does paying off a closed account help my credit score?
I also have another account that was closed but paid and just wondering if that affects my credit score. And if it does how do i get it removed. Also what are some alternatives that i can do to up my credit. I already have a auto loan and a secured credit card that are actually credited each month:)
ANSWER: For Credit and finance solutions I always recommend this website where you can find all the solutions. http://SMARTFINANCESOLUTIONS.NET/index.html?src=WP2osedunevar

Auto loan company Credit unauthorized?

Auto loan company Credit unauthorized?

a dealership ran my credit again without my authorization and now ive recived 2 letters from places denying me of credit i never even applied for what do i so

ANSWER: For Finance and credit solutions I visit this site where you can find all the solutions. http://INSURANCEANDFINANCETIPS.INFO/index.html?src=WP2osedunevar

When a lender tells you that you need a voided personal check to get a payday loan how do you get it?
When a lender tells you that you need a voided personal check to get a payday loan how do you get it?

How can I pull my credit report for free without hurting my credit?
I want to apply for a mortgage… but I am not sure how my credit looks about a year ago my score was a 640 and I have fallen 30 days behind on my credit card 3 times in the last 12 months. How has this effected my score? How can I figure out if a mortgage is out of the question?

Can creditors seize student loan refund money during a bankruptcy?
I am considering bankruptcy. I really don’t have another option right now, so I won’t get into that. Anyway, it is possible that towards the end of the bankruptcy I would be receiving a refund from my student loans. This depends on whether I’m accepted to the grad school I applied to so I’m unsure about this. But I’m wondering if student loan refunds are exempt from attempts at collection by creditors. I have been all over google looking for answers to this. All the answers say that they are exempt, but no one has pointed to a specific law or reference to back it up so that makes me uneasy. If anyone can answer this question as well as back it up with some sort of credible source, automatic best answer for you…"

"What’s the most expensive car I can afford on a $50,000 net income salary?"
Can I get something in the 60K range? Say I pay $5K deposit, so now the car is 55K. Take out a 5 year loan which would put the cost at $11K per year but lets say 12K with interest. so for 5 years I will pay $1000 a month for the car. My net income is $50K so 12K is just over 20 percent of my income, and less than 25 percent. Will I be able to make this loan?"

"What is the difference between forclosure,REO and HUD?"
I visited a site and it said it has foreclosure houses for sale,but I realized that all that houses are HUD homes.I visited another site that said that they have foreclosure houses for sale and all houses were foreclosures.Are foreclosure houses and HUD houses the same.Where can I find REO houses for sale?"

Is bad credit very bad?
Hey so I’m 19 and might get bad credit already, what’s so bad about this?"

"Im 18, can I take out a loan?"
Im 18 years old, not a student and Im in need of money for a new car. Will my bank allow me to take a loan out!?"

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

I need some advice with credit card?
I need advice on which cards to keep and which to close In total I have 7 Credit Cards I know for sure I want to close two of them out but would also like to know if I should do anything to the others I have the following Cards, Bank of America Platinum Plus, using $70 of 2,300, opened 06/07 Sears (Blue), using $350 of $1,100, opened 12/07 HSBC, 0 of $300, opened 03/08 Capital One, $100 of $750, opened 03/08 Sears MasterCard, 0 of $1,000, opened 07/08 Target, 0 of $200, opened 09/08 Sam’s Club Personal Credit, $70 of $500, opened 11/08 I also have a student loan out that deferred for $7,000 I plan to close out HSBC ( they wanted to charge $10 for a credit line increase of $100 they also have an annual fee and I think the most they will do is cut it in half) and Target because of their low credit limit and I really don’t shop at Target, just used it to get a 10% discount on some present for my mom. I don’t want to close out sears (blue) because I bought a TV on it and its interest deferred until august (I should have it paid of by april). Capital one is interest free for a year which is about to end, think I could get them to give me a good credit rate? Do you have any suggestions for me I don’t want to open any more credit cards any time soon. My credit score is a bit out of whack, credit companies Always report to the credit agencies when I have a high balance with them, which I think is unfair, hopefully I get lucky this upcomming report. Suggestions with that as well would be appreciated. Thank You very much for your suggestion. P.S. I use Bank of America Privacy Assist to check my credit report it updates every 3 months. I still have money over from my student loan (I was going to use for a down payment on a car) should I use that money to pay off all the debt or should I continue doing it the way I am now, I made a budget off all my credit cards and I should have every thing paid off by february, except the sears card."

Question about payday loans?
does anybody know a payday loan company who are quite easy to get a loan from?

Have you ever got a loan when your credit history was poor?
thank you very much victoria, very helpful x"

CAn I get an auto loan with a 562 credit score?
Ok, so I have a recent dispute on my credit score where I am being charged for something that I did not purchase. I had my wallet stolen that contained all of my personal document (credit cards, license, social security card etc…) and I suspected that someone was trying to use my credit. Anyhow, I have been monitoring my credit for the past year and then this comes up last month. I am in desperate need to purchase a new or used vehicle but I cannot obtain a loan from Wells Fargo (very conservative) even though I have a substancial amount in my savings and checking and have been a client since 2003. Would you think it is possible to get an auto loan (new or used) at a dealership? I am thinking Toyota might be the way to go due to the recent back lash on their defective cars. I make $3500+ a month, a steady job, I pay all of my other bills on time but my credit was none the less shot to **** due to this bogus charge. I am willing to drop about $2500 as a down and I honestly only want to purchase a car that is about $10k and def no more than 15k. Is there anyway that I could get a loan at a semi decent interest rate?"

How many points will a credit score rise after removal of a bankruptcy?
How many points will a credit score rise after removal of a bankruptcy?

How do you get your free credit report on line?
i really would like to find out about my credit

Does anyone know where I can get a free credit report w/o haveing to put a credit card in. I do not have one ?
My husband and I are going to a bankruptcy lawer on wen. and I don’t know what all debt I have. I was told there was a place online where I could get a free credit report w/o haveing to use a credit card. I do not have one. Or does anyone know of a way I can get out of fileing bankrupt. I am only behine on my house payment ($650.00) & a car payment ($299.00) My husband had them b/4 we got married and he only has 2 more years to pay on the car and it will be paid off , I hate to see him lose everything he has worked for. I am one of the ones out looking for a job in ohio I got laid off and have went everywhere & had no luck yet. can anyone help please ?????"

"Best budgeting strategies while unemployed, yet receiving unemployment benefits?"
i would like as many opinions on this as possible; strategies and suggestions, and i appreciate it in advance. i *am* employed at the moment, but looking ahead not in a pessimistic way, it’s possible i might become unemployed soon. i am still sort of young i suppose lol (27), and i know there have been a lot of people out there that have been unemployed for a long time; over a year, who may have a few years on me-and those are the people i’d like to hear from. i’m not sure how much i’d expect, but i know it wouldn’t be a lot. i don’t have many bills to pay thankfully; really my credit card bill which i put most of what i earn biweekly towards, and college loans (which are really cheap). i know this doesn’t sound like much, i know there are a lot of people out there that have A LOT more to have to pay..A LOT more. i was wondering what do you do to get by; especially comfortably; well, as comfortably as possible. i’d assume you put aside enough for bills to ensure you pay those off, but lets say they’re really expensive; how do you go about putting aside money for other things-whether it’s leisure"" activities or towards other things (gas"

Getting an auto loan for $3000?
I have recently gotten out of military service and I’m having a problem trying to get a loan for a junker"" car. I have little to no credit. I am currently using the GI bill and receive $1400 a month with $500 rent. The rent is the only big payment I have. I have gotten messages that the GI bill counts only as temp pay and that I should file for unemployment. If I’m not mistaken unemployment is also temp. Is there a place I can go that will grant a $3000 loan? Even at 30% interest it wont be a dent in monthly spending. I do know to save up and just buy a car out right"

Do they check job references on an auto loan?
Anyone in auto business that knows FOR sure , do they check your current and previous employer on an auto loan? Please reply ASAP thanks"

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Things to do before submitting a Mortgage application?
What are some things I should do to better my credit, or increase my chances of approval for a mortgage application? My husband will turn 21 in December, and he has only one credit card which we’ve never maxed out or paid late for. We have a son (baby) and another dependent. He works full time and I work part time. We probably qualify for USDA loans or FHA mortgages. If there are any suggestions of things to do or make sure of before we apply. please feel free to share. (The price range of houses here is from 60 to 125 thousand). That is, decent housing."

Best Buy Credit Card–0%interest for 6 months?
The lady at Best Buy told me if I get a best buy card, there will be 0% interest for 6 months. Is that true if I use a Mastercard and purchase something at best buy with that card as well or do I REALLY have to get that card for that deal?"

Facing eviction in Hillsborough county Fl. Is the there anywhere I can get some type of emergency loan.?
I live in Tampa Fl and I’m in danger of being evicted from my home. I own the home but just rent the property itself. Due to payment issues at my new job and unexpected car troubles I have fallen behind on my rent and have already been served the evictions summons. My landlord agreed to drop the suit if I can come up with the money but I just don’t see myself being able to obtain the money in the agreed amount of time. Are there any options I have as far as getting some type of emergency loan or assistance. I know my bank won’t give me a loan with my lack of credit history and I know payday loans or cash advances will make things worse. I know in NY you can get an emergency loan if facing eviction, anyone know if there is something similar in Florida. Any help would be greatly appreciated."

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

What’s the purpose of principal only car payments?
I was reading the FAQ from my finance company, and it says any extra payments not mailed to their Principal payment"" center will be applied as regular payments and will count towards next month’s payment – in other words"
Auto loan company Credit unauthorized?
a dealership ran my credit again without my authorization and now ive recived 2 letters from places denying me of credit i never even applied for what do i so
ANSWER: For Finance and credit solutions I visit this site where you can find all the solutions. http://INSURANCEANDFINANCETIPS.INFO/index.html?src=WP2osedunevar
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

In the movie THE DROP- did cousin marv know that bob…. (spoiler)?
in The Drop- did cousin marv know that bob killed richie whelan? i’ve watched the movie a ton of times and it feels like cousin marv doesn’t know that bob did it. specifically the scene when eric deeds comes into the bar for the first time surprising marv and bob in the kitchen…. cousin marv asks bob if he knows who that was- it’s eric deeds, the guy who says he killed ritchie. how is it possible that cousin marv doesn’t know that bob did it? anyone?"

Best way to borrow $1000 quickly and safely and on reasonable terms with bad credit?
household income 70k annual,own 1991 volvo,looking to handle mortgage in trouble"

Can i use a gamestop gift card on steam?
so i can use a steam wallet code on steam and on gamestop say i have a 25 dollar card i can use 10 on gamestop and 15 on steam?

Can I negotiate with my credit card company?
I have a credit card with around a $50 annual fee and a $6 monthly servicing fee due to bad credit history. I obtained the card about 2 years ago. I’ve made all payments on time and always paid more than minimum due. Is it possible to negotiate and have these extra fees removed? Also, what would be the liklihood of them increasing my limit (currently $250). I would like it to be at least $500. I’m always getting a guaranteed offer for a 2nd card so I think I could pull this one off."

What is the process of buying a modular home? USDA loan!?
I am interested in buying a modular (not mobile) home. I am going to get a USDA direct loan and I don’t know the process. I have already been pre-qualified for around $145,000. I stil have to submit my application. Do I look for the home and land before I get approved for the loan or do I have to wait until I am approved? The USDA does start pulling applications"" (what I was told) until October so will I have to wait until then before I look? I am interested in Clayton homes"

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Is there anyone that would give me a loan?
I need a loan fast (not a payday loan) and I’ve had really bad luck with trying to get any loan or credit card. I’m a single mom and I’ve never really been able to get any credit, so whenever I’ve tried to get loans they say I don’t have enough credit, and to add to it, the little bit that I did have, is now bad. I guess I’m looking for possibly a private lender or some sort of all purpose loan to pay off debt, to get a home, to get a car, and just help me financially. If there is any program that you know of that doesn’t have some fee to sign up for some website, isn’t for a payday, or refinance loan, please be the answer to my question. I tried prosper.com too and it sounded great until they denied me to even sign up because of my credit score. I am open to any ideas. If you’re a legitimate lender or even some guy off the street that wants to help any help would be wonderful. Thank you."

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Buying a car through Amazon Payments Protection Program?
I found a car on Craigslist. The person is in another state, but is saying they will use the Amazon Payments Protection Program? Will this make it safer for me also? But will i actually get the car before i pay for it? I dont want to be out of my money, and i really want this car. Im aware that this is probably a scam, but what if it isnt? Just let me know how this works."

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

"Adjusting entries for received an 18,000 cash advance for a contract to provide services in the future.?"
the contract required a 1-year commitment, starting April 1."

Can I apply for the Emerald Advance with my husband’s pay stub?
Can I apply for the Emerald Advance with my husband’s pay stub? I have asked H&R Block this on facebook and their customer service number, and I guess they just don’t get what I am saying. My husband and I file taxes together every year. He is the only one who works, thus only one with pay stubs. Can I take his pay stub and apply for the Emerald Advance based on his pay stub? I know that they look at what your estimated return is, which usually for us ranges from $8,000 to $10,000 a year depending on how much he made. He has already applied this year and was approved, but it was significantly less this year than previous years, which is why I am inquiring."

What is considered a low credit score and can you still purchase a car with a low score?
What is considered a low credit score and can you still purchase a car with a low score?

How much does it cost generally to pay a debt consolidation company?
How much does it cost generally to pay a debt consolidation company?

Annual credit report.com…..is it a good website to get your credit report?
Annual credit report.com…..is it a good website to get your credit report?

If I pay my credit card one day after the due date can the credit card company report me to the credit bureaus
If I pay my credit card one day after the due date can the credit card company report me to the credit bureaus? I’ve heard from a CPA’s assistant that they can only report you if you are more then 30 days late—-is this true? I live in CA

Has anybody ever used a payday loan? Please help?
i live in AZ and theres a speedycash next to my house…..does anybody know roughly how much a $400 dollar loan would cost me if i pay it back in 30days..thanks

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Has anyone applied for an auto loan thru Fundingway.com and gotten approved?
Has anyone applied for an auto loan thru Fundingway.com and gotten approved?

How can I improve my credit? Will renting an apartment and paying on time help my credit score?
You see, I declared bankruptcy in the last year.My credit really sucks."

How can I get out of a bad car loan?
Hypothetically, would it make sense to go to the dealer, trade-in the car and select a $10,000 car? In this case I would roll the negative equity ($9k) into the new loan and just make payments on a $19,000 loan, while the car’s value is only $10,000? Based on the reply’s it doesn’t seem like a dealer would give me a loan twice the car’s value."

"How can I get a high limit credit card, somewhere around the range of $2000+?"
I am a student and do not have a long credit history, my credit score is above 600, which is not that bad in this economy. I have applied for 2 credit cards with high limits and I’ve gotten denied twice due to my lack of a long term credit history. I have the ability to pay off my debt, but I need to make a large investment within the next month. Paying it off over, lets say 6-8 months would be very easy for me to do. I just cannot find a credit card that will allow me to have this high limit. I have a good history of paying my bills on time."
Auto loan company Credit unauthorized?
a dealership ran my credit again without my authorization and now ive recived 2 letters from places denying me of credit i never even applied for what do i so
ANSWER: For Finance and credit solutions I visit this site where you can find all the solutions. http://INSURANCEANDFINANCETIPS.INFO/index.html?src=WP2osedunevar